10. Papers part 3

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Hadrian Snape Second Year

Beaten, Abused, Saved and Adopted

Rheim Reido

Here is the third instalment of Hadrian Snape that was once Harry Potter and this is where everything changed for this young man from what we can gather from the little information given to us was that he was placed with his only living relatives which happened to be the Dursley's of no. 4 Privet Drive in Surry, yes I know most of you will go after them but let me make this clear they are in Ministry holding cells until further notice, they will be brought to trial at a later date.

It all started in the summer of 1992 just after the incident of the Philosopher's stone that belonged to Nicolas Flammel the French wizard and renounce Alchemist born 1326 and died that very same year sadly he would be 666 years old. The very same person who was very close friends to ex Head Master Albus Dumbledore, again the mans name is brought up.

 Hadrian had returned home like all students would at the end of the school year riding on the Hogwarts Express with his friends at the time Ronald Weasley pureblood and blood traitor due to history that I will not go into but we all know about it I assure you and Hermione Granger Muggleborn.

Everyone said goodbye and hope to see you in the new school year like normal but it wasn't normal for Hadrian for he was picked up by his uncle Vernon Dursley and brought back to his summer home, I am told that there were wards, blood wards to be precise, placed around the home but when the Goblin's took a look at it all there was nothing of the sort besides a submissive ward directed to Hadrian and keyed to the three Dursley's, obeisance ward again keyed to the Dursley's, a ward that would want to make him stay there and not leave even with permission. It seems someone and we can all guess who it might be that wanted Hadrian to stay there.

No even two weeks into the summer was when it all happened I am told that he was beaten daily and had hardly any strength left as they had only given him water during the time he was locked up in his cousin's second bedroom, yes dear readers he had two bedrooms while Hadrian had none he won't say where he stayed but he said that it was the only place he felt safe the whole time he was there.

His uncle came in and kicked Hadrian in the chest breaking ribs before he stalked out of the room leaving the boy there to die most likely putting up locks on the room so then as I am told 'won't let the freakiness out' if it wasn't for one person...

Severus Tobias Snape, yes people we all thought that he was a snarky git, I'll admit I thought the same and I was in Hufflepuff while he was in Slytherin we were in the same year, laughs.  

Severus was given a note of some sort from Madam Pomfrey the school's Medi-Witch via parchment or by word we don't know but Severus went to confront Albus Dumbledore about it all and he rightly denined it to the man's face stating that Hadrian's relatives loved him and that he wasn't abused at all.

Well Severus wasn't going to take this lying down he had a feeling that didn't sit well with him and sadly me dear readers it proved correct as he went to check up on the poor boy he found him clinging to life as we speak.

When he cast Lumos he found what he was dreading and without even thinking he gathered up the beaten and broken Boy-Who-Lived.

He was brought back to Hogwarts and set to work savung this boy's life and without the care that Hadrian was given that very night the boy would of died, yes he was badly injured and just at 11 years old...

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