11. Slughorn's Lesson

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It was the first Potion's lesson of the new school year and everyone was eager for the lesson to start as they now had no Severus breathing down their necks like he normally did but they understood why he did it as Potions were a dangerous subject to deal with and he didn't want anyone to get hurt but still somethings were bound to happen *cough cough Neville* but beyond that they had all greatly improved now that Granger wasn't shouting out questions it appeared that with Fenrir breathing down her neck she was behaving.

They wondered what this lesson was all going to be about and waiting for Slughorn to enter the classroom as the door was opened inviting them in but he was nowhere to be seen, odd didn't cover it as cauldron's were lit for an unknown reason and many of the students took them off before anything could happen, thank Merlin it didn't.

Slughorn came down the steps from the office going on about what was expected of them being in sixth year and he listed off what they were going to learn during the year:

Popyjuice Potion
Felix Felicis
Wound Cleaning Potion
Memory Potion
Essence of Insanity and many more plus revision on everything they had learned up to this very year which made some groan about it all.

Slughorn they came to realise was very laid back in his teaching and he could comment about something in the past which had them all thinking 'was he always like this'.

When he came looking around that everyone was writing down what he had written down what he had put on the board so then they knew and was able to read ahead for classes he stopped at Harry.

"Ah Mr Potter good to see you" said Slughorn.

"Sir my name is Snape" said Harry to him which Slughorn didn't listen to.

"Mr Potter I knew your mother such a wonderful and gifted student she was of mine and well on her way to becoming a Potion Mistress but she preferred Charms, your father on the other hand... well lets say less talking and more working  he would of been great but alas again he liked Defence" he stared off but then came right back after a few minutes before walked off around the room.

"No that was strange as hell Hads" said Otiz from next to him on the other seat he had followed him like this so then his fur wouldn't contaminate the potions that they would be brewing but he wished he hadn't as he wanted a nap.

"Yeah you're telling me Otiz and he didn't listen when I said my last name is Snape but it was kinda nice to know that my mother liked potions and my dad just messed around not like my dad now" he laughed.

"You are getting better there Hadrian, you've progressed far that you aren't blowing things up" laughed Draco.

"I wasn't that bad and that was because someone kept throwing things into my cauldron and I had Weasley as my partner and he just didn't want to work plus I didn't understand the book that we got our first year so I had a lot against me at the same time but with everyone's help I've improved but I will no way be good enough to follow in dad's footsteps" he sighed.

"Ture we have helped you improve and don't worry about following your dad or dad's in this case careers just be who you want to be whatever it may be" said Blaise to him smiling.

"Wow deep Zabini" said Neville to him only to have the others laugh at the poor Italian boy only for said boy to swear.

"Vaffanculo" but because they were all now close friends they knew what he was saying.

Slughorn called to the class and told them that they would be using old potion books that he had saved from when he was teaching years back that is and asked everyone to collect one and read through the book so then they could get an idea of what they would be doing and so a stampede ensuded as every student headed to the back of the classroom to get a book.

Everyone pushed and shoved to get one and when Harry got there, there was only one book left which looked tattered and torn looking like it had seen much better days but he could also tell that it was well loved, he flipped open the book and inside was written...

Property of the Half Blood Prince

Strange who could that be about he didn't know but whoever it was had made notes in the book and it looked like it was for improving the potions but he would look into that more later not now as it was time for lunch.

They left the room putting the books back but Harry kept hold of his as he wanted to read more of the notes.

"You should put that back Hadrian" said Theo as he held onto Harry so then he didn't walk into anyone Otiz had shrunk down and was now on his head along with Sora who was rapidly growing to catch up to his big brother but he was still small which he hated but being carried by Daphne he didn't mind at all she loved him.

"But it's interesting and I would like to know who owned the book beforehand I want to talk about how they came up with the improvement that I can see" he showed them the notes in it, they thought they knew the handwriting but they couldn't be sure at all so they left it there for now.

At the end of the day they had all gathered in Severus' chambers and were sitting around the table they had even summoned more chairs as there were now ten of them and they didn't fit around the six person table, Otiz and Sora were napping on the sofa when Severus and Tom entered the room.

"And our chambers are over run with six Slytherins, three Gryffindor's and a Ravenclaw" said Tom as he came in and kissed Harry on his forehead like he normally did he was holding the twins as he had then this afternoon and he headed to place them in the travel cot so then he could get a cup of tea.

"Well now I hope you are all doing homework and now messing around this is after all N.E.W.T year incoming after all as well as O.W.L's for the others so study, study" said Severus going over the the biscuit tin which was missing.

"Where is the tin?" 

Harry eeped and buried his head in a book he was reading trying to act like he was studying which made his friends laugh.

"Hadrian did you take the tin again?"




"I'll take that as a yes it seems" he sighed and accio'd the tin which came flying out of his room empty.

"Someone had the munchies last night no wonder you couldn't sleep" and he sighed. 

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