27. Lestange....

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Full name:
Corvus Rabastan Lestrange V

Dudley Vernon Dursley (adopted name)

Rabastan Lestrange (pure blood)
Petunia Elizabeth Evans (Squib)


Aunts, Uncles, Cousins:
Lilly Anne Potter nee Evans (aunt)
James Fleamont Potter (uncle)
Bellatrix Lyra Lestrange nee Black (aunt)
Rodolphus Isaac Lestrange (uncle)

Hadrian Jameson Severus Snape (cousin)


Rabastan's Parents:
Rufus Lestrange

Clarissa Burke 
Petunia's Parents:
Samuel Liam Evans
Rose Mary Evans

Bellatrix Lyra Lestrange nee Black
Rodolphus Lestrange
Lilly Potter nee Evans
Severus Tobias Snape

When Dudley well his name here was a Corvus Rabastan Lestrange of all things it's a name that felt familiar, looked it all over it mentioned nothing of Vernon being his father at all something was up but... he felt such a connection with this man who had his hand on his shoulder something familiar a connection that he was missing... like a piece of himself had finally came home... 

He sighed and leaned into Rab his head lightly laying on Rab's arm making the man smile at him.

"The Lestrange's have their Heir back after the child of Lady Lestrange was killed while in Azkaban" said Silver Blade to them and showed Petunia that she would be classed as Lady Lestrange as she had a child.

"No I don't want that I want to just be Petunia Elizabeth Lestrange like it was meant to be fourteen years ago before me and my son were taken from our family I leave the Lestrange Ladyship to Bella there, if you're ok with it that is?" she looked at Bella.

"Yes yes that's fine don't worry about it and for the time being Corvus can be the Heir and if I end up pregnant sometime the family will be in good hands" she smiled.

"So my name isn't Dudley then?" he had stopped leaning on Rab and looked at everyone "who am I?"

Rabastan sighed and walked round and kneeled in front of his son "you were born Corvus Rabastan Lestrange, my son. You and your mother were taken from me in the new year of 1982 we had just wished in the New Year and everything, put you down in you toddler bed you hated the cot when you were able to walk and so decided on a toddler bed which you loved and we all went to bed.

We woke up the following morning and you and your mother were gone I searched everywhere for you and even asked Tom about you and he had no clue and then he also changed... I never stopped looking for either of you son and then that man sent us three to Azkaban..."

"What's Azkaban?" asked Corvus to his father, yes his father in his eyes.

"It's the wizards prison son, I spent all of your life there and it only came to everyone's notice back three years ago that many of the people that got sent there were wrongly convicted by one Albus Dumbledore... if I had than man in front of me I would..." Rab left it there.

"The test show blocks, spells and potions in both members of the family they will both need to go through with a cleansing" Sliver Blade was rather blunt not really caring yes he was happy that the Lestrange family was now back together but he just couldn't be asked to work today he already had the young werewolf in here trying yet again to get into Harry's vault with a letter but they needed more than that mind you the signature was all wrong.

It took hours for Petunia and Dudley... sorry Corvus to be completely cleansed and when they came back into the office Rab was surprised on how Corvus looked he had the same hair and eye colour that all Lestrange's had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes.

"Welcome home son at last" said Rab as Corvus went in for a hug that he so desperately needed and being sixteen he cried like a baby in his father's arms as his magic kept him alive as Vernon would beat him just like Harry, he was made to eat until he was sick and his magic... well that came out to play like all magical children from the age of three he knew he had to keep it hidden and it would work when he was sleeping and heal what it could.

The spells placed on him via Dumbles well they were as worse as they could be he had been obliviated so many times it was a shock to the healers that he remembered who he really was and wasn't in St. Mungo's for everything that had happened to him.

Petunia had only mind spells and potions on her and was very easy to fix she owed Harry... no Hadrian so many apologies it was unbelievable to be honest she had now excuse for it all even if it was spells and potions... she had a feeling it was wrong but she still did it.

Bella clapped her hands "well now we are all together again we can fully introduce ourselves as we have been out of touch for so very long, I'm Bellatrix well Bella is easier to say than my full name and I am your aunt Corvus" she smiled.

"I am Rodolphus, Rodo for short and I am your uncle Corvus" and he smiled.

"I'm Rabastan or Rab I don't if you don't call me dad Corvus I really don't I've missed fourteen years of your life so far so lets start off as friends and work from there, ok?"

"Yeah that's fine... I'm Dud... no I'm Corvus that's going to take some getting used to" said Corvus to everyone.

"Don't worry honey honest it's going to be hard to get used to all of this after that man ruined our family, just remember that we here are your family that whale is nothing to you, Hadrian is and will always be your cousin no matter what" and Petunia kissed his forehead.

"Yeah I know it's just so strange that I don't feel or look like him anymore... I feel like I've been set free finally like I've been looking through a window and seeing something that wasn't truly me and now I feel that I am truly me".

Bella gave him a tight hug making him gasp at how tight she hugged him he tried to pull away but she held on tightly.

"You're so so precious I can't wait for you to meet Draco and see Hadrian you know those two are dating oh and Hadrian has two new siblings and my cousin Siri has had three so five more family members to meet you Cory!"

"Help mum!"

She just chuckled "let her have a moment please normally it's Marge that hugs you like this so let her have a moment she's missed you for fourteen years".

"And I have missed you my Freyja, I think that should be your name now a complete name change for the pair of you Corvus can be himself now and Dumbles wouldn't know if you changed your name as well".

"We can do that Mr Lestrange" said Silver Blade to the family making them jump as they had forgotten he was there. 

"Yes I think I should do that I think Freyja Elizabeth Lestrange has a nice ring to it" said Petunia to him and soon the paper work was done.


Dudley will be known as Corvus Rebastan Lestrange

Nice little twist if I say so myself......... 

Corvus (Dudley) but with dark blue eyes

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Corvus (Dudley) but with dark blue eyes

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