18. Possessed?

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Christmas was getting closer and everyone was planning what they would do for their two weeks that they would have off, no student was being allowed to stay at Hogwarts during the holidays anymore and if they were having family problems then they would be allowed to stay at another relatives or a friends house it was better than sending them back to what they wanted to get away from, since Tom had been Headmaster and had done it this way more students survived the holidays and always made it back for the next term, very few were lost compared to Dumbles tenure which please the Ministry but better yet the DMLE and well as Child Services.

This pleased not only the families of abused children but also staff members that had been trying to get Dumbles to listen to them and not spout out that their families loved them over the years and in the short work of about three years Tom had managed it and the students were happy for once everyone was being treated as equals and were finally being listened to.

Harry and his friends were out at Hogsmeade to spend time out of the castle and to... yes they had to play in the snow which resulted in many of them being hit in the face and that included Otiz who was back to being in his human form as he hated his paws and his tail getting wet in the snow, baths he was fine with but snow... nope...

The friends laid down in a snow pile after making sure they put heating charms on themselves so then they wouldn't get sick and tried to get their breaths for once in the twenty minutes of snow ball fighting.

"Ok that was a good work out for a bit but can we do it next time when it isn't so cold" said Theo as for once he wasn't reading a book making everyone laugh.

"Well Theo it's nice of you to join us in our childish needs now and again" said Blaise only for him to get stared down but the other boy.

"Fuck off Blaise" said Theo as he threw a snow ball at the other boy and so another snow ball fight broke out.

They were on their way back to the castle after getting their Christmas shopping before stopping to get a warm butter beer each as they were coming over the bridge they noticed something wrong right away and Otiz went into action and kept everyone away.

Leanne was screaming trying to get anybody's help for her friend and as the group of friends got closer she told them "I warned her not to touch it!" she was so scared for her friend she didn't know what to do!

Just then Katie's body became to move on it's own, it swished back and forth for a few seconds and then she was launched into the air and it looked like she was pinned to a crucifix her hair whipping around her she was screaming and then as suddenly as it started she was chucked onto the ground landing in a heap unconscious.

"Don't do anywhere near her, get back all of you" said Otiz as he looked at the group of friends, they all stepped aside when Hagrid came over and went towards Katie.

Hagrid picked Katie up into his arms and Harry being Harry went to pick up the item on the floor near Leanne only to be stopped by Hagrid.

"Do not touch that! except for the wrapping do you understand?" said Hagrid to him.

Harry bent down and saw what it was it appeared to be a necklace of some sort.

Hagrid bought Katie to the Hospital Wing why Harry went and found Severus and Minerva and found them.

"Dad...um... I found this and it hurt Katie Bell it looked like she was possessed by something can you take a look at it please?" he was worried that he had touched it somehow and would end up like Katie.

"You didn't touch the item did you?"

"No sir Hagrid told me to only touch the paper nothing else and to bring it to you right away"


Minerva was worried and wondered who in Merlin would send something cursed to a student.

"Are you sure that Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?" asked Minerva

"Like I said she left to go to the loo and when she came back she had the package she said that it was important that she deliver it"

"Did she say to whom?"

 "To Headmaster Sötétség"

"Every well thank you Leanne you may go" said Minerva and Leanne left leaving Harry, Otiz and Draco with the two professors.

"Oh Severus..."

Said man looked at her and used his wand to pick up the necklace he wasn't going to be touching it and get cursed like Katie.

The necklace spun gently in the air in front of himself and Minerva.

"...what do you think?" she asked ignoring the three behind her.

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive" said Severus.

"Dad she was cursed wasn't she, I know Katie and off the Quidditch pitch she wouldn't hurt a fly, if she was delivering that to papa she wasn't doing it willingly?" he held onto Otiz he was feeling quite sick at the moment.

"Yes she was cursed" said Minerva nodding her head slightly.

"It had to be Morning-Glory" said Harry

"That is a very serious accusation Snape" both professors turned to face the trio.

"Indeed... your evidence?"

"I just know dad"

"You... just... know, once again astonishing your gifts, your gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing how grand it must be to be the chosen one" Severus was still a very pissed off mood and was taking it out on his son.

"I suggest you go back to your dormitories all of you" said Minerva and they left Harry took a little longer as he stared at his father with tears in his eyes he didn't believe what his father had just said to him right there and then.

Once they were gone Minerva rounded on Severus.

"You are an idiot Severus you know how sensitive that boy is and you have just cast doubt in his eyes that you won't listen to him and to talk to him like, I'm ashamed to know you right now" and she walked away it appeared he was now in the dog house with Minerva.

He sighed and ran a hand down his face, his family was in dire need of a talk... Harry first as it was him that had said those things which he would of said if Dumbles was still in power and he thanked Merlin that he wasn't, Tom could stew a little longer.


i know katie is chaser and harry became the captain and everything but due to him now being in slytherin i decided to make katie captain 

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