8. Back to Hogwarts We Go

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Harry was slowly heading downstairs where tom was waiting for him with breakfast while Severus was still asleep with the twins they weren't even a day old and he was going to miss them.

Out of the blue Bella hugged him "there is my favourite nephew".

"I'm your second nephew auntie" he smiled up at her god damn it he was still short mind you he had grown a lot compared to the last few years but he was still the smallest out of his year he looked like he was going into his third year and not his sixth which annoyed him but it was better than looking like he was seven.

"Details details Haddy Boo, your my favourite" and she hugged him tighter.

"Bella dear let the boy go I think his father would kill us if we hurt him" said Rodo coming to Harry's rescue who in turn darted behind Barty as he joined the small group with Rabastan who was laughing.

"I love all my aunts and uncles plus I am a distant relative of yours anyway my grandmother was Dorea Black, so you're a distant cousin, can I still be with Draco as we are distant family?" he was now unsure about it all.

"Yes yes you can son now why are you loitering around in the damn hallway while your breakfast is getting cold?" said Tom wondering where they were.

"Oops got 'attacked' by Bella" said Harry skipping around Barty and into the dining room.

"Move idiots" said Sev as he walked passed them with two baby slings on a twin in each.

"The grump is up" said Rodo only for him to get hexed by Sev.

"Shut up LeStrange" and he stormed off.

"He's touchy" said Tom as he picked up a child Otiz and headed into the dining room where Harry had taken the scrambled eggs for his breakfast "something to go with those eggs please Hadrian perhaps toast and bacon would be a good idea".

"Ok dad I will"


Soon they were at King's Cross station and heading to the platform they had met up with Draco and his parents who Narcissa was quick to kiss his forehead making him blush along with Otiz who was still a child for some reason.

Severus just tried to walk passed her but he was caught by his collar.

"Narcissa let go I have the twins and I have to get the damn train as my magic is still not working working properly so I have to go for a seven hour trip with two newborn's which I am not looking forward to it" he managed to get out of the grip and headed to the platform ignoring everyone as he passed.

"He's touchy as I told him he was working part time due to the twins who thought to come yesterday, so they will spend time with me for three lessons and then Severus when he isn't working" explained Tom to them as the boys headed to the platform to meet their friends.

The Malfoy's nodded at it and headed to the platform as well as the LeStrange's, Tom would be Flooing to the school to get everything set up for the new school year but he wanted to see his son and husband off sadly the Floo or Apparition wasn't safe until they were at lest two years old, they could of used the Knight Bus but that would just be too much as well.

"Oh Haddy Boo I'm going to really miss you nephew" said Bella hugging him tightly to her chest "my favourite nephew, auntie will miss you so so very much write me please".

"Ok ok I will, I will can I go now?" he got out of her grip and headed to the train with his friends following.

Everyone looked on as they thought that the 'death eaters' where dangerous as that was what they had been told for so long but seeing the LeStrange's all fussing over Harry as over protective aunts and uncles was shocking but not as shocking as Severus carrying twins, they knew he had been pregnant as they saw a picture in the Daily Prophet and everything but seeing him with them was a surprise indeed.

"I'll see you in a few hours, Remus will also be on the train as Remus is teaching History and Sirius is helping with DADA as he was an ex Auror after all so I thought it would let you look after the twins as well" he kissed Severus as he grumbled to his husband.

"You owe me Thomas and Sirius is still in St. Mungo's so how will that work?" and he got onto the train the baby bag floating behind him he wasn't going to be looking forward to the hours alone with the twins but needs must be done.

"I will help out until he is able to come and help you" but Severus was already gone.

Soon at 10am the train pulled out of the station just minutes after Hermione and Fenrir got on, he dragged her to Remus not listening to her screaming to let her go.

"Shut up pup I'm letting you finish be grateful of that but I have asked the Headmaster to let you rejoin and house with Remus and you will obey him you are the lowest of the Omega's after all and he is you Beta and you will also obey his mate if I hear you haven't been behaving I will rip you out of school and you will never finish. Do I make myself clear I can and I will stop you" he growled as she found Remus reading a book typical Remus.

He opened the door making both men look up "Fenrir? what can I do for you?" asked Remus who bowed his head in respect.

Fenrir placed Hermione in the compartment made her sit on the floor as he sat "pup you will be on the floor unless in class or in the hall for meals, I do not care what you are going to say you will be listening and doing nothing more again if I hear you aren't I will take you out you have to learn your damn well place once and for all, the others are happy enough to teach you what it's like to be a pack member but you begged for this as you didn't want to learn in the pack.

Remus you are in charge of her and if and staff or student complains you are to send me an owl right away I will be ready for it and I will come", he informed the Beta who nodded.

"Everything is set up for her as well she has a room just big enough for a bed and storage under the bed, she will be doing her homework in front of her at all times plus her curfew is an hour before everyone else's so we know she won't bully anyone".

"Very good Remus any news on Sirius?"

"None of yet but he's now completely stable and hope that he will wake soon, the triplets are fine as well, all healthy and strong".

The two completely ignored Hermione and when she tried to leave Fenrir grabbed her and made her sit back down at one time she was sat under the little table like a pet which she wasn't mind you but now she couldn't get passed them.

She was stuck like that for the rest of the train journey everyone could see her as they walked passed and she could hear them laughing she whined.  

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