21. Dinner Party

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Harry had gotten a note at breakfast saying that he was invited to a dinner party of all things... he had no idea to be honest normally it would be at Malfoy Manor and normally Severus would of told him about it but this was from Slughorn what in Merlin did the man want from him of all things.

The note said:

Dear Mr Potter... oh I am sorry Mr Snape

I remember your father well... we both to be honest that is such wonderful bright young men.

I have offered you to join me in a little dinner party with a few chosen class mates of yours, if you want to bring someone be my guest my boy.

Professor Horace Slughorn

Harry looked up from the letter and Slughorn raised his goblet to him in knowing that he had read the note and that he would be joining but Harry looked away and to his father Severus as Tom was trying to settle Cassie at the moment, Severus nodded and soon left holding Azzie who waved, that was the new thing at the moment Azzie loved to wave.

"Jerk Severus you know she doesn't settle with me!" said Tom only for Calista to be taken off him by Minerva who made her giggle and was able to get her settled enough to eat.

"Your daughter is starting to teeth Tom hence the fussiness to be honest" said Poppy looking at the little girl nomming on a teether she had been given.

"Oh great just what we need it seems..." he sighed making everyone laugh.

Sora the bean of a kit went up to the head table he was still small as he hadn't really hadn't bonded with Harry as he had Otiz after all and so went to investigate Calista, a tiny nose tickled her in Poppy's arms and he was able to jump onto her lap and placed his head on Calista's legs where she petted him happily which made Sora gently bite her, he had bonded with her.

"Ma!" she petted him a small trail of blood from her finger was seen but she didn't care she had a new friend to play with.

"That's her first word and Severus missed it" laughed Tom.

Back to Harry and the note he was unsure of the whole thing, he had heard about the so called 'Slug Club' from both of his parents and it was because his papa Tom was intelligent promising student when he was at Hogwarts and his father was also a member due to his potion making skills and he was still regarded to this day as one of the youngest Potion Masters in the world.

"I'm not sure that I want to go to be honest" said Harry and then looked at kid Otiz he had no idea why he was like that now but it was a breath of fresh air now and again but he just didn't like the mess he was doing but he couldn't ignore the whole note... 

It screamed to him something was up but what he didn't know!

Perhaps it was due to him being adopted?
Him being the now son of Severus Snape?
Him having a familiar?
Papa's son?

He just didn't know and he hoped and prayed that it wasn't to do with the Boy-Who-Lived and the Chosen One titles he hated the damn thing and since his Papa Tom was now completely back the Horcrux in his head didn't mean a thing anymore, it was now completely combined into his own soul and magical core so... he wasn't evil, he wasn't going to be evil, it just meant that he was more magically stronger than a normal teen.

Oh come on people at the age of twelve he had a familiar which was hard to come by even for adults! 

Slughorn came over to him and smiled he looked a tad drink if you asked anyone around him but it couldn't be...

"Harry, Harry just the man I was hoping to see! I was hoping to catch you before dinner! What do you say to a spot of supper tonight in my rooms instead? We're having a little party, just a few rising stars, I've got McLaggen coming and Zabini, the charming Melinda Bobbin — I don't know whether you know her? Her family owns a large chain of apothecaries and of course I hope very much that Miss Granger will favour me by coming too" he said and walked off.

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