Everybody's Tired of Something

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Seven days, 12 hours, and 14  minutes after the fight with Sasuke, Deidara opened his eyes. Sasori was sitting beside the bed, trying to look as indifferent as possible while failing through and through.

The redhead hated being kept waiting and in between the IV maintenance, bandage changes, and putting way too much chakra into medical ninjutsu, he had been starting to consider kidnapping that dumbass Haruno Sakura and forcing her with overt violence to figure out why the fuck Deidara wasn't waking up even though his wounds looked impeccable. They would scar but at least there was no sign of infection. Luckily it hadn't come to that because he had been using his free time to complete a myriad of human puppets all with particularly nasty abilities ready to disembowel their enemies. The most recent one had caught him in one of his more deranged moods. He had been talking to himself and had been so angry he had chopped the still technically living man up by accident three times. His laugh when the man screamed and groaned in pain had been decisively bitter and hollow. "Well look who doesn't have a heart now grandma." He said as he crushed the man's in sheer joy. After his fun, he had sat quietly beside Deidara pushing his hair out of his face that he brushed at least once a day. He didn't want to have to hear the blonde bitch about how his perfect hair had to be shaved due to its lack of care. Not that that would have been his biggest issue more than likely.

 He hadn't even bothered contacting Pein, ignoring the dick everytime he attempted to contact he or Deidara. The man probably thought they were either dead or defected. The difference was moot to him.

The ex Sand ninja's blood red eyes met Deidara's hazy blue ones as they opened. Sasori even stood up, hoping he portrayed the nonchalance he felt. "Deidara-" Sasori murmured.

Deidara sat up on the bed quickly, regretting his decision immediately as his body spasmed in protest. He exhaled quickly, he was wide awake now. " Where is that damned Uchiha?!" His voice rasped in disuse and he coughed so violently after speaking that Sasori rushed a glass of water over using his chakra strings. 

He downed the glass, waiting on Sasori's answer. Though normally a reticent man, Sasori had warmed up to Deidara within the past year and a half and was rarely silent unless he was very angry with the clay user. 

"Deidara," Sasori tried again, "How are you feel-?"

'Is he high? He never calls me by name unless he's angry. Wait.'

"Answer me Sasori Danna, is Sasuke rotting? He's dead right? I killed him with my perfect art." The last sentence was strained both from Deidara trying not to cough again and with concern.

Sasori hated lying and sugar coating things but the thought of Deidara broken and bleeding made him try anyway. "He might be."

"So, you don't know? You couldn't have bothered to check and make sure!? Pein is going to rip us both a new one." Deidara moaned wincing at the pain in his arm and chest "Fuck this shit hurts."

Sasori bit his lip getting a bit pissed. This idiot was getting so worked up for no reason at all. 

"Also where the fuck are we?"

'And to think he wanted to hear his voice 5 minutes ago.' "No, I don't know brat." He snapped. "And I hardly give a single fuck right now. And neither should you." He whispered venomously.

"We're in one of my secret bases right now." Sasori answered in a slightly less acidic tone as he got up and brought more water and some pills for Deidara.

He placed them in his hand carefully avoiding his hand mouth. Deidara stared stupidly at them. "Huh?"

"They're pain pills, not poison." Sasori commented irritably as Deidara shrugged and took them.

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