Untitled Part 12

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It was soon time for the two artists to relocate to the first village on their list, Hanagakure. Sasori was brimming with anticipation but he had to handle this delicately. He knew Deidara would get his hopes dashed if things didn't work out with one of these woman being his sister, so he needed to be sure. 

This time, the two decided to be a little more legitimate than normal which included renting an apartment. 

The man scrutinized them both heavily while Deidara tried to look friendly and charming and Sasori looked mature and aloof. He had employed the human jutsu in case the man decided to do something stupid like shake his hand but he hoped it wouldn't come to that. Deidara had just chosen to wear gloves and with the weather chilly still it wouldn't raise any suspicions.

The man finally settled on talking mostly with Deidara. "You seem a little young to be owning your own place."

He shrugged flashing a wide grin. "My partner and I will be owning it though." He slung an arm carelessly over Sasori's shoulders who still looked creepy and nonplussed.

"Your partner as you call him scares the shit out of me and isn't an asset." The man said shortly. "No offense, sir."

"Hah, none taken." Sasori said icily.

"However, both of you have impeccable credit and I see no reason not to trust you. So, welcome to the area Kirima and Inata. Sign your names here on the dotted line. You can read it but it just basically says you're signing a three month lease and what happens if you don't pay on time each month. Which I doubt will be a problem." He tried to glare at Deidara, while eyeing the sizable ring on Sasori's hand. His eyes darted back and forth in order to avoid Sasori's death stare.

"Nope. Not a problem at all." The blonde stated as he scribbled his fake name on the line and Sasori did the same.

The man extended his hand to shake on it which Deidara readily took and Sasori merely glared at the man who still refused to look his way. He handed the keys to the sculptor and put away the paperwork.

"Yay! We have our own home!" Deidara cheered with an enthusiasm that wasn't faked as he dragged Sasori into their new place at least for a few months. 

It was sparsely furnished but there was enough stuff there that the only immediate need was food. "This is passable." Sasori said evenly as he sat in the desk chair that swiveled.

Deidara fell on the bed. "Could be softer but it's got to be better than the hideout beds. Ugh, I would have a permanent kink in my neck if it wasn't for those full body massages you kept giving me."

Sasori flushed prettily. "We should go get you some food."

"I have something more fun in mind first." Deidara pulled his gloves off and began running his hands along Sasori's bare arms. 

Sasori didn't need to be told twice. They were all over each other, like moths to a flame.

It was still a bit odd for Deidara, doing stuff with Sasori when he was human but he was getting used to being less unnerved by it. The redhead blushed a lot so Deidara decided to do what he could to get him to blush as much as possible. He also would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the way Sasori's body responded to his advances. His dick was almost always hard whenever they made out and that further fueled Deidara that he was doing something right.

After a heated makeout session that ended with both of them shirtless, hard, and panting. The two changed clothes and went to the market. "Grab some stuff for yourself, yeah." Deidara nudged Sasori. 

"What's the point?" 

"You'll still be human for the rest of the night, may as well get something you like." He whispered in Sasori's ear while discreetly licking it. The man moaned lewdly causing a woman to turn around and give him a dirty look which he returned ten fold.

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