Untitled Part 20

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Itachi inhaled to prepare to explain himself to his two fellow (former?) Akatsuki members when Mika turned on the blonde and redhead in a rage. "My patient requires time to rest and he's been more than nice enough! He was close enough to death he really shouldn't even be sitting up and conscious right now." 

Sasori saw Deidara's icy glare and stepped between the two. "It's time to calm down now." He said tonelessly but in a manner that clearly carried the promise of stepping in if she approached Deidara, despite how little of a threat she was to him.

She took a step back while Sanbimu watched the interaction from the doorway, equal parts amused and worried. 

Itachi cleared his throat and spoke quietly but clearly. He coughed a few times during his speech. "I was tracking Sasuke, my younger brother, and apparently due to exhaustion ended up here in Aflakin, Miss Mika informs me. I mean none of you harm and plan to leave as soon as I'm able." He tried to get out of bed and was effectively stopped by Mika's hand against his chest. "I'm your nurse and I say you are to stay put. Aren't you still pursuing the treatment?" She tried not to sound too concerned for his well being.

"I-" He coughed harshly, "I know when I'm unwelcome and I cannot overstep nor place this place in danger."

Sanbimu stepped into the room and slammed the door, drawing everyone's attention to her. "I really don't know what the hell is going on but we are going to hash this out and get the air cleared, hm?" She smacked her hands together creepily. Mika gulped while the other three looked nonplussed.

Mika sat on the bed beside Itachi after giving him a few pills to swallow. "These will help with the coughing and make it easier to breathe."

Sasori and Deidara stood on the opposite side of the room, the blonde glaring daggers at the Uchiha while Sasori looked thrilled to be caught up in this debacle while he wrapped an arm around Deidara's waist.

"Dei, you go first. What is your issue with the man of Mika's dreams?"

 Mika flushed scarlet while Itachi suddenly found his hands very interesting. 

"Everything, yeah! He's the reason I was pressured into joining the Akatsuki." 

She gestured for him to continue, impatiently.

"I did a lot of bombing missions for Iwa, then when I caught our sorry excuse for a father's evidence of killing you, I bombed the whole goddamn village. I became a rouge ninja shortly after, though the holier than thou Tsuchikage hired me for a few missions before and after I went rouge." 

Sanbimu's jaw dropped. "That asshat of an old man really did that?!" 

"He sure did. In fact, I think he only officially put a hit on me when he lowballed me to bomb Konoha and I told him to go fuck himself. Little man always did hate being told no. It was when the 3rd Hokage was still around too, like hell I'd fuck with him for such a piss poor salary."

The blue eyed man continued, " It was much harder to find work and get by after I was officially declared a missing ninja. I was barely 15 and a half when this guy, Itachi Uchiha found me. Sasori was there with him but Itachi said if I managed to defeat him, I was free, if not, I had to join his little organization."

"Hold up, I'm confused. So Itachi was there who you hate with a burning passion, correct?"

Deidara nodded in the affirmatiove. 

"But, so was Sasori who is your boyfriend?"

Deidara flushed lightly at the word boyfriend but managed a firm, "Yes."

"You do understand my confusion right?" Mika said obviously.

"It-it's different! Sasori didn't really do anything to force me, he was just in the room. Itachi used his fancy kekkai genkai ocular jutsu and made me hallucinate that I was winning just to turn the tables on me at the last minute. It's a clan trait, thinking your better than everyone apparently." He damn near pouted, blonde fringe hanging over his face.

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