Untitled Part 7

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The next few days passed fairly uneventfully. Sasori worked on some new puppet techniques, opting to fine tune puppets he already had versus risking their mission by collecting new specimens.

Deidara was away often at the area on the edge of the cliffside. He always gave the vague answer that he was quietly perfecting his clay modeling, but Sasori could hear the faint explosions every once in a while. He assumed he was working on a new technique and couldn't fault him since his jutsu was flashy and loud in nature. As long as they weren't compromised, it wasn't his business, not that he cared anyway. A tiny voice in Sasori's head nagged at him and told him he did in fact care and truly wanted to make it his business. 

Deidara came back inside early. "So, tomorrow's the big day, huh?" 

Sasori nodded and didn't really look up from what he was doing.

"We're going to lay this plan so expertly even that douchebag of a genius won't know what happened."

"Don't get carried away, brat. This is the preliminary part of the plan, which makes it no less important but a lot less action filled."

Deidara made an irritated expression. "You make it sound like you expect I'll fuck the plan up."

Sasori finally looked up at him. "That wasn't unintentional."

"So you're saying you don't trust me?" Deidara looked positively murderous.

The redhead sighed and put his tools down. "That's not what I meant. I don't want you getting ahead of yourself. " 'That's sort of what nearly got you killed.' He finished in his head knowing that it would piss the blonde off to no end and not really wanting to start their mission walking on eggshells.

"I'm going to perform the jutsu to become human if you want to help me again." He diverted his blood colored eyes partially to look at what he would need and partially not to see the anger in the blonde's pretty blue eyes. Though that expression made him look no less gorgeous. 

"Is danna admitting you actually need my help?" Deidara said voice lighter but not quite forgiving Sasori.

He shrugged noncomittally as he began setting everything up. "It goes smoother with your assistance. You know where the blood is brat, go get it." 

He rolled his eyes, but did as the ex Sand ninja said. "Can't just say, yes I need your help Deidara." He muttered to himself.

Sasori heard him and thought about the repercussions of him saying just that. 'I may not need your help per se. But of course I need you, you complete idiot. But good luck getting me to say that out loud. Again, what is with these weird thoughts?'

They quickly performed the jutsu as well as the sealing one for Deidara's hand mouths. Sasori swayed with the release of his chakra and Deidara caught him and helped him sit down so he didn't crash into the floor. "That went much smoother this time." Deidara complimented as he watched Sasori.

The redhead was sitting but he was practically seeing double as the room spun around and around. That hadn't happened last time but he supposed parts of the technique had been done slower the last time. A few minutes passed and his vision normalized. He found Deidara's face right in front of his own.

"Hey danna are you okay? Your eyes were twitching." He put a hand on Sasori's face as the redhead's eyes focused on his blue ones. "I'm fine. I think we did things faster this time, which was a good thing but I had to deal with more recoil." 

"Good." Deidara leaned back. "I was afraid you were going to have a seizure, which I don't even know if that's possible for your body, but still."

Sasori laughed at the blonde as that was the easy reaction. "I wouldn't know either. But I'm normal now. Well as normal as I can be knowing I'll wake up human again."

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