Untitled Part 19

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Several hours, stories, and copious amounts of alcohol later found, Mika all but passed out at the bar in the middle of another half coherent story concerning why she was neither interested in casual or a more serious relationship with an ex criminal. Sasori had stopped drinking anything alcoholic or listening to her quite a while ago. His eyes were glued either to his partner who was practically glowing with happiness between interacting with his sister and then drunkenly dancing with Sasori. He was currently in the middle of, from what the redhead could follow, was a slightly embellished account of when he first joined the Akatsuki and subsequently met Sasori. (Who he claimed he was smitten with at first sight but the both of them knew that was a blatant lie.). Though Deidara had admitted he had found the man's voice sexy, his appearance of an older hunched over human hybrid had initially put him off a bit.  

He smiled at his blonde who looked positively radiant with his long blonde hair down, framing his face who shot him a grin right back before pulling his sister over to the table Sasori was sitting at after finishing his story that is.

"Well, my man are you ready to head back home? Sanbimu has work tomorrow after all."

She waved him off, "Eh, it's not til around 3pm but I have to get this lightweight into bed after all. And get your room ready for tomorrow night." She said the last part a bit threateningly.

The blonde woman then stood up and before either man could offer to help, lifted her passed out friend easily over one shoulder to carry her to her bed upstairs. "Uh, wow you're strong, yeah." Deidara's eyes had widened comically.

She shrugged. "I'm not longer a practicing shinobi, but I didn't completely shirk my training."

"See you tomorrow Dei! And you too Sasori!" She unlocked the door for the two and then turned to go upstairs, Mika in tow.

The two men left arms wrapped easily around each other as they walked down the now sparsely populated street. Though the idea of a night filled with hot sex was still appealing, Deidara was starting to yawn and Sasori was feeling the effects of chakra strain from the puppet human jutsu as well.

After finally taking the room key from Deidara when he failed to get the key in the hole for the third time, Sasori locked the door behind the two while the blonde promptly fell in the bed.

"I really want to end this night with a bang, but I'm so fucking tired." He looked apologetically at Sasori. "Your jutsu is still good for one more day right?"

He nodded. "I can extend it longer if you'd like even." He left out the part that it would cause a  massive chakra drain as it would only worry his partner.

He beckoned the shorter man to join him in the bed. "I'm really starting to enjoy you being human." He whispered to Sasori as he sucked on his neck. The alcohol had lowered his inhibitions and he really didn't mean anything negative by it. The blonde was on cloud 9 and Sasori was so fucking warm and so perfect. "You're always so perfect yeah." He said before kissing him on the cheek and then promptly passing out.

Sasori tightened his hold on the blonde but couldn't shake his infernal flaw of overthinking. 'Did what Deidara said mean that he enjoyed him being human more? Was his human form that much more perfect?'

This line of thinking kept him up for a few hours but even then the human body  had its limits, releasing Sasori's worried line of thinking into deep dreamless bliss.

The next day while Mika slept her hangover off, Sanbimu tidied the bar up, and Sasori and Deidara lazed about in bed a lot of activity was afoot in the hidden leaf village.

Kakashi and Guy were both sweating their asses off and cursing the gods for their horrid luck.

"I really don't think he's been anywhere near here Kakashi." Guy said, continuing to look for signs regardless.

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