Untitled Part 17

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The next day was busy for the two men. All items that were necessities that couldn't fit in smaller pouches or bags were stored in scrolls that Sasori kept on his person. "It almost seems like we have too much stuff." Deidara said looking forlornly at a picture that he had disliked at first but had grown rather fond of over time. 

Sasori yanked a delicate hand towards it and the chakra strings extended effortlessly, clutching the painting and  lying it out on the scroll in front of him.

Deidara was a bit touched at the display. "We can always restock on anything in the next village." Sasori said carelessly.

The blonde sighed as he gestured to the furniture. "It would  have been nice to take this but I understand why we can't." Sasori nodded in silent agreement. He was more sentimental than he cared to admit but furniture was something that was easily replaced after all.

"Ready?" The blonde nodded and the two men left their temporary home without so much as  backwards glance, the keys left sitting innocuously on the welcome mat.

Deidara threw his head back, a gust of wind ripping a few blonde strands out of his ponytail. "I'm headed to the school; enjoy causing catastrophe at the asylum." He quickly molded a large bird which he promptly jumped onto, done keeping a low profile to his delight.

Sasori grinned slightly. "I won't be long." The two parted ways temporarily after a tender look.

Deidara wanted to ensure the kids had plenty of time to get out of the school so he detonated a few medium sized clay animals around various sections of the building. Deer, antelope, and wolves were hardly regular citings in these parts but due to the early hours, few people were in the streets to gawk, yet.

Before long, students raced out of the school, followed closely by teachers and administrators. Now that he knew the full story, he could tell the adults were more concerned with watching the children to ensure they wouldn't bolt than to keep them safe. He watched a smaller squirrel figure detonate rather close to a child and the adult nearby didn't even bat an eye. 

He leapt off the bird and taunted the adults, finally free of the damn gloves he had worn around the school. "Oh don't mind me, you have to keep a close eye on your little experiments yeah?" 

One man visible tensed and another raised a large sword rather shakily to point at him. "Ha! Good luck hitting me with that!" 

A large clay serpent rose out of the sand and opened its mouth ready to shoot actual live bombs out. This was something he'd been working on for a while. It took an obscene amount of chakra but due to the fact he wasn't facing actual shinobi, he doubted reserves were a huge concern.

He waved a hand flippantly but locked eyes with Lyashina and the two boys specifically. "Anyone who doesn't want to be blown to smithereens should probably run about now."

The multicolored haired girl yelled something unintelligible as the snake began to release the bombs in a rapid fire onslaught. All of the children scattered, most running off deeper into the village towards a possible refuge. Saki and Maki headed North in the direction of a nearby village that was rumored to house orphans and care for them with little preamble.

Lyashina crouched behind a building as she watched Deidara fly around on the bird and flip at intervals onto the large serpent. The building was nearly decimated and she gasped at the body parts that were beginning to litter the ground. It was finally sinking in that this man wasn't the perfect savior she had envisioned.

Memories of the torture inflicted upon her by some of the staff and the others' roles in keeping their actions from the public filled her though and steeled her nerves a bit. 'No, Deidara was most assuredly a bad person but was he as bad as those people? It was debatable from her viewpoint.'

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