Untitled Part 6

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Walking around on the uneven sand didn't prove to be all that difficult. Sasori almost fell a few times but he caught on quickly. Deidara messed around with his clay a bit in the meantime but didn't detonate anything so as not to startle Sasori. Though the idea had crossed his  mind and was a little amusing. 

"Are you ready to try the bird?"

Sasori really wasn't but they didn't have the luxury of going at a snail's pace. The longer they prolonged getting him accustomed to being human, the longer it would take to lure out Orochimaru, and ultimately the longer he would have to feel so weird.

He nodded to Deidara who prepared the bird at a lightning fast pace. The ex Suna ninja swallowed hard. It wasn't like he had a problem with heights or a phobia or anything stupid like that; but the feeling of flying was actually something he had never experienced, not as a human anyway. When he flew with Deidara normally, he really didn't experience the physical sensation of flying. He just knew he was airborne.

Deidara climbed on the bird and turned his head slightly to look at him. It was an unusually cool day as well as being windy enough to rip strands of blonde hair out of Deidara's ponytail as well as swirl sand into mini tornadoes. Sasori knew that meant it would be a rougher flight.

He hopped on behind Deidara without quite touching him.

A minute or so passed and they were still sitting firmly on the ground. "Well, you know I hate waiting brat." He sounded far more sure than he felt.

"As windy as it is, you will fall off with the turbulence if you don't hang out to me."

"I'll be fine." His tone was defensive.

"You never have any issues doing that normally." Deidara needled.

'I surely don't, partially because I don't have to worry about popping a boner or something equally stupid.' Sasori stubbornly refused to touch him so Deidara shrugged. "I warned you." 'I'll be able to catch him if he falls regardless, but he's being an idiot today.'

The bird took off and after the sinking and sickening sensation in his stomach stopped, Sasori was able to breathe evenly as they leveled out. It was still fairly windy but not nearly as rough as he'd hoped. 

"I fucking told you." 

Deidara rolled his eyes. 

"We'll just be up here a few minutes. The weather should settle by the time we trek into the village." He could barely hear him over the roaring of the wind that had just started up. 'So much for mellow breezes.'

A huge gust caught the bird from underneath, causing Deidara to have to readjust his own grip to avoid falling himself and reposition the bird. Sasori nearly fell off the side but grabbed Deidara's right arm with both hands instead.

He pulled the redhead back on, laughing as he did so despite how dangerous the whole predicament truly was.

"Now will you listen to me?"

Sasori said nothing but grabbed tightly to Deidara's waist, causing his chest and legs to be flush against Deidara's ass and back.

"Well, since you wised up, let's try out some manuevers then." 

"Wait, what? You said the weather was too shitty to stay up here long." Sasori was annoyed now.

"Oh, no. Just with you being stubborn. It's not like I can't control my creations. Besides the weather is actually perfect for what I want to do."

Before Sasori could ask what exactly that was, Deidara was flipping the bird end over end seeming as if to make it draw shapes in the blackening sky. 'Great, it was going to rain on top of everything.'

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