Untitled Part 15

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Upon arriving at the apartment, Deidara slammed the door, nearly knocking some decorative wall hangings off. Sasori looked up sharply. "Do you mind having some concept of indoor noise?!" 

"Chill danna, this is important." The redhead bit back a retort at the rarely serious tone of his voice.

His bored expression turned into an amused one. "Let me guess. You wanted to show the kids what "true art is" and ended up blowing the building."

"No, not at all." He lowered his voice an octave even though no one could have heard them anyway. The building they lived in was in a bit of a nicer area and judging by the lack of other tenants, it seemed affordability was a big issue.

"It's far more sinister. Sasori they're experimenting on children and if they don't meet some sort of criteria, they are sending them to asylums." Deidara's tan face was a bit pale at the last part.

Sasori's face became more passive. "And you have proof?"

Deidara nodded. "They have track marks all over their arms and are damn near anorexic."

"We are S class criminals. And as much as I despise saying it, human experimentation, even on children, isn't the worst of which we've done or seen."

"I understand that but-"

He looked angrily at the blonde now. "You of all people know better than to get involved. What if someone were to link you to your true identity and myself? We'd have to go deep into hiding and have no hope of ever finding your sister let alone anything else."

Deidara bit his lip then looked in awe at Sasori as if he were a deity. "You've been looking for Sanbimu? The trail went cold months ago."

He slapped his forehead at his unintentional slip up. "I've been looking here and there as we travel. Nothing concrete brat."

He hugged Sasori as the puppeteer stiffened slightly. "Thanks, danna." He pulled away. "I really do want to do something for those children though. I kind of, showed them my jutsu and they loved it."

"Since when do you even like kids?" He tilted his head at his partner comically. "And of course they like shit that explodes, they're kids." He deadpanned.

"I never said I didn't like kids." He sounded a bit offended.

"Anyway. If you feel so strongly, when we leave the village, we can destroy the asylums and give the kids a chance to get away. They can't be seen with us or come with us afterwards for obvious reasons but I see nothing wrong with giving them a fighting chance." Sasori tried to look indifferent but if his psychotic pyromaniac of a partner cared so much, then he cared too.

"I really think we could-Wait. What? You're serious yeah?" He was greeted with a stern look by Sasori that prompted him to fling his arms around the redhead again and kiss him full on the mouth. The man didn't even pretend to be annoyed as the two made out. 

After all was said and done, Deidara looked at Sasori smugly across the room. "Do you mind? I'm working here." 

He laughed at the other man. "You said we. So you're going to help me without me really asking you to." Sasori looked a bit uncomfortable. 

"Yeah, isn't that what partners do? Support each other. You act like that's new for us." Sasori looked down at his book visibly embarrassed.

"Aww," Deidara said in a honey sweet tone as he climbed onto Sasori's lap, "You don't have to be embarrassed. I think it's sweet."

"I don't do sweet. I'm more like poison." Sasori said looking up slightly.

"I think you're sweeter than even you want to admit. But I can handle a little toxicity too." That comment had Sasori pressing his mouth greedily against the blonde's and eventually moving to the bed, all semblance of working forgotten.

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