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Five years had passed and with it everything had changed but nothing had as well. Gaara had turned over the position of Kazekage recently to his elder sister Temari who was truly chomping at the bit to rule Suna. He worried a bit about how things would go but knew her husband and their brother would more than be able to keep the hotheaded Kazekage in line. (Plus it wasn't like she hadn't already done a lot of the paperwork for him and public relations anyway.) He now lived with Sanbimu, who was now his beloved wife with their adopted daughter Lysandra in Aflakin. Sanbimu still ran the bar, though she and Mika took turns. Their daughter was growing into her own and was now looking at her options which were vast, including becoming a kunoichi, a medic ninja, or anything else she desired. As she was still young, she wanted to do it all and she had plenty of guidance all around after all and plenty of time to decide.

Itachi and Mika were married as well and she was expecting her first child within the year. Itachi had opened a shop conveniently by the bar that specialized in sweets of all varieties that weren't sold close by which always did exceptionally well year round. He had had quite enough of the ninja world and outside of maintaining a close relationship with his brother, husband to the current Hokage, he was completely withdrawn from ninja life and wouldn't have it any other way. Mika worked at the local hospital and the bar when she was needed or wanted some extra cash.

And as for our main characters, Deidara and Sasori were also married by this point, had been the first to make it official shortly after the blonde diverted his stubborn partner's attempt to fully humanize himself. Despite what others had said, not much at all had changed for the duo. They still argued about philosophies, morality, art, and everything in between. The two still did the odd freelance mission involving catastrophic destruction or assassination as they saw fit, however, they did those strictly as a team. They still explored their chosen art forms as only the two of them could and would do.  And, possibly most importantly, they still both had copious amounts of sex. 

The biggest change or compromise that had occurred throughout their partnership really wasn't difficult or painful in the least. They both gave a little here and there; Sasori had stopped ultimately in his quest for eternal life and Deidara had agreed on the sanctity of their marriage not to take any unnecessary or dire risks. After all, that's what their relationship was based on in a way, the compromise between transience and eternity. The little transient moments that end up making up the seemingly infinite big picture after all.


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