Rescued\Or Not??

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I woke up with a gasp forgetting where I was and what had just happened. I could feel a searing pain in my leg, "Gahhhh my leg, it hurts so bad,what's wrong with it." I could hear footsteps running over to me. "Oh my god Amelia your okay, you really scared us". I didn't know who spoke to me but when I moved my face around I realised and noticed it was Teresa and she had tears In her eyes. I looked around the recognised everything and remembered exactly what had happened. "Teresa where is Chuck is he okay!!!?". She looked at me with tears In her eyes and they were so red. "Chuck didn't make it...., Gally had pointed the gun at you and shot you in the leg and then another bullet went off, Minho killed Gally with the metal he was holding and we didn't realise the second bullet had hit Chuck in the chest,he died in Thomas's arms just there 3 minutes ago and now you have woken up".

I didn't know how to feel. Chuck was so nice to me when I first got to the maze. He showed me everything and we had great laughs and games together. Before I know it I was shaking and In tears. "Chuck didn't deserve to die, he was only a kid a kid!!!!!, Didn't even get his full life, it's not fare". I just could not stop crying and my leg was on so much pain. "My leg hurts so much". Teresa looked at me. "As I said you got shot in the leg, we were able to stop the bleeding but couldn't get the bullet out,but it's wrapped up, we will need to get it out somehow as it will get infected, you need to take it easy". I gave her a small smile. "Thank you so much". She smiled at me and walked off to another part of the hellhole of a room. I could see everyone else in the room in tears. I couldn't believe Chuck was gone. There was still tears going down my eyes.

When I looked over at Thomas he was still leaning over what I knew was Chuck's body. I could see the blood all over and around his body. I could hear him crying and begging for him to wake up. I pushed with all my might to stand up and it hurt like hell. "Gahhhhh bloody leg". "Amelia you still have the bullet in your leg, what are you doing, your supposed to be resting ". I looked up and realised it was Newt, my lover and my best friend. I smiled at him. "I have to say goodbye to Chuck and make sure Thomas is okay, my leg hurts so much,ugggh". I suddenly threw !y arms around his neck and pulled him too me tightly and strongly. I could feel him hugging me back just as much. "I really need this please don't stop hugging me and please don't ever leave me Newt,I won't be able to deal with it". I could feel my eyes watering and I put my face deeper into his neck as I felt the tears coming. "Hey look at me,look at me Amelia!!". I moved my face away from his neck and looked at him. He put his hands on my face to hold me. "I will never,ever,ever leave you no matter what,I love you so much and you can hug me whenever you want". I started smiling and gave him another hug. "I love you so much too!!". "Can you please bring me over to Thomas,Please" "Anything for you dollface". I could feel !y face heating up.

Newt helped me get up with the help of Minho, being careful of !y leg which felt like it was getting worse I'm pain. They put me down beside Thomas and Chuck's body. Once I was down I turned towards Thomas and put my hand on his. "Thomas I am so sorry, I know how much Chuck meant to you and how close you both were, I am so sorry". I had tears going down my face again. I turned back to Chuck. He was so pale now but looked so peaceful. I put my hand on his chest and leant down to give him a hug. "I a! So sorry this happened to you Chuck, it's not fare, your just a kid, thank you so much for making me feel so welcome and helping me with everything, you were a really strong, smart, brave kid,I am really going to miss you so much". I gave him a little kiss on his forehead and pulled away from him. I looked at Thomas and pulled him into a hug. "Thomas don't blame yourself for this please, it's not your fault, Gally was poisoned and there was nothing you or any of us could have done, he was way too far gone, do not blame yourself you hear me?!!!" I could feel him hugging me back and crying still as well as me. "I can't help but blame myself, he was only a kid Amelia,there should have been something I could have done I feel so helpless" I then felt him shove me and fall on Chuck again holding him and bawling his eyes out. I didn't know what to do but just cry. "Thomas" I heard Teresa say on a teary voice.

I was about to ask Newt to help me back up but we heard a banging on the door and then people in black with clothes,boots helmets and big guns came running into the room and screaming at us to move and go out with them. Everyone was getting up and running out with the men to a hallway. Two men came over and tried lifting Thomas up "Kid come on get up, your safe now, we need to get you out,". Poor Thomas was having none of it and just held onto Chuck screaming and crying. "Noooooo leave me alone ,I'm not leaving him!!!!!!!!". It was so hard to watch. A third man had to come over and after a bit of pulling and tugging they finally got him away by lifting him up and walking away with him and making him run with them.

Newt was following them and looked back at me. "What about Her, YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVER HER, SHE CANT WALK".  One of the men walked up to him that wasn't wearing a helmet looked at him. "Don't worry we aren't leaving her, two of our medics are just about to go into her,she will follow, NOW GOOOOOOO!!!!!" I Looked at him and said "go it's okay". I could tell he was hesitant but then he turned around and followed them out. Then he was out of sight.

I was feeling a little dizzy and queezie and I looked down and the wound and could see it was bleeding through the wrapping. I rolled my eyes and sighed "Just great, it's so bloody painful right now". I don't think the bleeding was a good sign. I started to feel even more dizzy so I decided to lie down and clothes my eyes. I started to heart footsteps getting closer but I ignored it.
"Hello Amelia,how are you feeling, that wound doesn't look very good, a few of your friends said the bullet is still inside" I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Ha the bullet is still inside and it's started to bleed again, I am in a lot of pain". The same man smiled at me. "Don't worry,we will look after you, we are going to have to get the bullet out later when we land but we can give it a clean and tie it up again ok?".  I looked up at him and nodded my head. I could see him getting out some fluid stuff amd a clean bandage and an injection. "Ugggh I really hate needles". I heard him laugh and look at his friend beside me. I felt arms hold my soldiers down a bit tightly so I wouldn't move. I was squirming a little when I saw the needle. "Hey Amelia it's okay it is to stop the pain the clothes your eyes and breath, it will be over in a second". I nodded my head at him and did what he said. I felt the needle go in and I twitched a little bit and then it was over. "Jesus thank god that's over". I heard both men laugh. Straightaway I felt the pain subside. It felt so good. I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes and looked down it was all over. Clean and wrapped up. I breathed a sigh of relief. The man behind me stood up and lifted me up with him. I looked at the man In front of me. "All right that man behinf you,my friend is going to carry you out to the helicopter as we can't have you walking and putting pressure on ur leg especially when the bullet is inside ok?" I nodded my head "it's okay let's just get out of here". He looked at the man behind me and I felt myself get lifted up and bridle carried. They were both walking really fast and I was just glad we were leaving that god awful place. I closed my eyes and when I opened them we were coming out a big door.

When I looked behind me we were out of the god forsaken horror show. I could feel a smile on my face "Thank god,finally we are out of that maze". When I looked infront of me I could see the helicopter we were going on and everyone inside it. Once we got to the helicopter I was put in and I was so so tired and felt weak and still queezie. I felt myself get put against someone's chest and I felt their arms go around my front. I got a familiar smell and I knew it was Newt. I put a smile on my face and relaxed more into him. "I'm really glad your okay Amelia and your with us in the helicopter,I was getting worried". I grabbed his hand and gave it a little kiss. I saw the other guys and Teresa all staring at me with a smile on their faces. "I'm really glad ur hear too Amelia". I grabbed Thomas's hand and squeezed it. He smiled at me.

We were in the air now flying away from the building. I looked at the building and was thinking to myself. "Is this really it, are we really safe right now and out of the maze, was it really that simple?,it just seems to simple". I gave one more look to the building as it moved  further and further  away from us. I leaned closer to Newt and shut my eyes. It all felt suspicious to me. Right now I just needed sleep and that's exactly what happened.

I fell asleep cuddled into Newt.........!

Are they really safe. Are they really going to somewhere that will keep them safe. Is Amelia's leg going to be okay. Will Teresa and Thomas going to fall in love. Will Thomas recover from Chuck's death. Why did the lady in the video say they were all important. Why did Amelia recognise the woman. Was is really that easy to get out. Is it all just another trap\plan? Find out on the next story I am Hoping to start soon.

Hey guys I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and this whole book. Took me such a long time to complete. I am hoping to start the new story again. Please let me know what you though. Thanks so much guys Xxxxxxxxxxxx

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