New Day And Grievers Attack!!.

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I woke up and I felt really weird. I felt really warm. I didn't feel naked but I felt like I had less clothes on. I looked down and realised I was in my undergarments. I could feel my eyebrows crease in wonder. I closed my eyes and remembered. "Oh my god  I remember what happened last night with Newt" "WE HAD SEX". I could feel myself go so red.

I Looked in the bed beside me but Newt Wasn't there. I wondered where he could be. " He's probably working". I looked down at my cut from the accident that happened. It was still tender and very sore. I tried to get up but it was a little to fast and a searing pain went through my side "ummmph Gahhh". I put my hand over the cut to try and calm the pain down. It worked a little bit. Luckily enough my clothes were on the bed beside me. My favourite clothes." Newt Must have put them there".
I began to dress myself and I felt a little more comfortable when I had them on. I feels very awkward in hardly any clothes when I am in a camp full of only guys. If I ever got caught with none on I would be mortified.

I was just about to put my shoes on when I heard someone come into the room. I looked up quickly and saw Thomas. He was looking at me in a strange way. "Oh god did he know?, I hope not." I could tell he was going to say something, but before he said anything he ran over to me and gave me a big hug not too tightly thank God.  "AMELIA!!!, It's so good to see your awake and all right, I was so worried I mean shucks". I gave him a big smile. " I'm so glad too Thomas really glad to be back in bed too haha". He looked at me and gave me another hug. "So how are you feeling now?". I gave him a small smile " I'm feeling okay Thomas thanks but still quite sore and I never got to thank you for helping me too with everything that day and keeping me calm". He looked at me strangely "I didn't do anything serious Amelia, you don't need to thank me, just did what any friend would do". I looked down at the floor " Yeah you did, you and Newt both helped me get to safety, you both helped me be okay and not dead, so I am thanking you and there is nothing you can do about it ha, so shut up!."". I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Thomas really it meant a lot to me, your an amazing friend and I love you.". He bent down to my level grabbed my chin and made me look up. " You Are so Welcome Amelia, I'm just glad your okay". We both gave each other a big long hug again. It felt so nice being in his arms. I always feel safe in them second to Newt. "I am so lucky to have them both in my life."

Thomas began to help me stand up because I wanted to walk around a bit as I was getting bored. We both walked out of the room and down the stairs so we were outside again. It was so warm today.
I began to stare at the door of the maze that would usually be closed by now. That can't be good. It should be closed by now. My heart started racing. "This can't be good!". "Emmmm Thomas shouldn't that door be closed to stop the grieves getting in  right now at this time or am I wrong?". I could feel my heart racing even more and I turned to Thomas. I could tell he had a shocked and scared look on his face. "No Amelia you are not wrong that door should be locked right now but now that it's not we are all in serious trouble, and I mean serious Griever triuble SHUCK".  "Why do bad things always have to happen with me?."

I could feel myself panicking. "Thomas what are we going to do we have to warn the others, if we don't and the grievers come people are going to get seriously hurt or worse DEAD, we have to warn everyone somehow". Thomas turned around and looked in my face "Don't worry Amelia we will warn them, Let's go now, COME ON!".

I followed Thomas at a bit of a slower  pace since I was still really sore for some reason today. I was getting closer to him when I suddenly remembered something" OH MY GOD THOMAS WHAT HAPPENED TO ALBY IS HE OKAY!?". I could see Thomas turn around suddenly "Amelia you have to trust me Alby is okay not great but he is safe, if we don't warn people though no one will be safe including Alby, especially Alby". I agreed with him completely and I did trust him. He figured everyone would be in Alby's room with the med jacs. We both made it there quite fast since we were running.  Thomas had to tell them the bad news because from that fast walk my side was very sore and I was hunching over in pain trying to calm the pain down. Thomas was talking very fast but everyone could hear him  "OKAY GUYS THE WALL THAT IS USUALLY CLOSED AT THIS TIME IS SHUCKEN OPEN WHICH MEANS WHAT USED TO HOLD THE GRIEVERS IN AND NOT HURT US IS NOT HOLDING THEM BACK ANYMORE, WE HAVE TO SHUCKEN PREPARE OURSELVES AND WARN THE OTHERS NOW!!" I could see Gally give Thomas a disbelieving feature on his face "How can we believe you Thomas hmmmmm how do we know you are not lying? Everything has changed since you came?". I rolled my eyes and went right up to Gally,'s face " For shuk sakes Gully go outside there now and look at the door it's shuking open which means what used to keep us safe isn't keeping us safe anymore!". He didn't look happy with me for talking to him like that but he did turn and walk outside. Two seconds later he came back with a scared face on him. He looked terrified "OKAY WE HAVE TO DEFEND OURSELVES!!". I looked at him rolled my eyes " YOU THINK!". I could tell he wanted to give a remark to that comment but Theresa got in between the two of us "Stop it you two with this shuking bickering we need to focus here, we need to go out there and warn people so stop with the....". Theresa was suddenly cut off because we could hear a god awful roar coming from outside. I could see Newt looking at all of us with his finger to his lips motioning us to be quiet "Don't make a sound at all stay very quiet". I looked around at everyone and my heart was racing I don't know why but I started crying a little too loud. "Why is it always me being the one to cry?." I don't know how it happened but I could feel someone behind me and the next minute a hand was over my mouth and I was being held softly against their chest to keep me quiet. Next thing I know Newt was leaning in front of me. "What did I just say Amelia we have to be quiet what's wrong?". I stopped making the noises but was still crying " I don't know just my side is really killing and I'm scared for everyone and I'm not easily scared as you know, maybe it's the meds" . I saw Newt move is hands onto my hands. "I will not let anything happen to you okay?, you are safe al rite I promise". I nodded my head and stopped crying.

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