Realization And Confusion.

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I was beginning to wake up and I was very cozy. Hang on why did I go to sleep again. I remember Chuck came to wake me up from the slammer and then I went to my room to get changed and then I got the letter from Newt and I lay on the bed. Oh I must have fell asleep. Guessing I was very tired I suppose. Wait Newt? Omg I remember "I remember kissing Newt in the shower as well again and also thanking him then everything went black and then everything went black." I kept thinking but then suddenly I realised i kissed Newt. "OMG!!! Newt kissed me I cant believe it, but I mean I already know I kissed him, this is a really weird day oh my god. He is such a nice guy and all I mean yeah he's hot but omg Newt kissed me." I really need to snap out of it now. I sound crazy. I felt so happy though knowing he actually kissed me j mean who wouldn't. I got into more new clean clothes and I walked out of my room out to where everyone else was. I was looking around the whole area and wow everyone looked especially busy today. I guess everyday is extremely busy. The minute I got down the stairs I looked at the maze. I don't know why I did but I was just really praying that possibly maybe he was still alive. Doubt he is but there is no harm in hoping he was is there?. "Ben please be still alive please be safe." I still feel really bad for what had happened to him and I still couldn't believe Alby had let that happen. I keep mentioning this but to be fare it was absolutely shocking and horrendous to treat someone who wasn't even guilty like that. It doesn't even make any sense. I had to stop thinking about all of this. It was just going to drive me crazy.

I heard that same rumbling sound again and knew this time it was my stomach. I really need to start eating more often. I knew now where I needed to go. I moved away from the stairs and heading for the kitchen. It was really warm today and the feel of the sun on my skin was lovely. I need to remember that after I get food I needed to have a shower again and clean my neck and a new bandage again. Hopefully today will be the last day I need the bandage. It's really uncomfortable and itchy to wear. As I was walking over to the kitchen I saw Chuck and a few other guys doing some work in the garden. I passed them and waved. "Hey guys,hope your all well and having a lovely day?." They looked at me and smiled and I could see Chuck waving. I know I keep saying this but he's adorable. I kept walking.

I was walking into the Kitchen to get myself some breakfast as I was hungry. The cook who I was good friends with Fry Cook gave me two fried eggs, 3 sausages and some of that lovely bread Chuck gave me. I was ecstatic. "Thank you so much, this is delicious and by the way I love your bread, it's so good." He smiled at me with appreciation. "No problem, have to spoil the new girl." I could feel my face going red in embarrassment. I hate being the centre of attention. walking away from the table I began !along my way over to my seat with my head down when someone put their hand on my plate to stop me moving. "Well,well,well if it isn't little Amelia the girl who always loved to cry." I hate Gally so much. He is such am asshole for no reason. I never did anything to him. "What do you want?." He laughed at me. "Nothing I was just wondering how your stay in the slammer was?." I smiled at him and secretly gave him the finger under my plate. "Actually I know you were expecting me to have a horrible time in there, but I actually really enjoyed it, I got to look at the stars and had a perfect sleep." I could tell it was pissing him off and he walked passed me giving me a nudge "watch yourself Greenie!." I can't stand him at all, he is such a prick. I took a deep breath and walked off.

I was so close to my table and chair and I was about to sit down when I heard Newt calling me over to sit beside him and a few other guys. "Hey Amelia, come sit over here with us!." I wasn't sure if I wanted to sit by myself or go over to them. What's so bad about sitting beside them. Maybe it's the fact I know I might go so red sitting beside him and people will suspect something is going on with me and him. He was still calling me over with hand motions so I decided to just go over and have my breakfast. It couldn't be that bad could it?. I had decided to go over. I shuffled my way with my place over to his table and I sat down beside him and saw him smiling at me and I smiled back at him. I saw him wink at me and I really tried to stop myself going so red. It was obvious I was still going red anyways. I whispered to him. "NEWT STOP!." He looked at me a little strangely but kept talking to his friends. Ignoring them I just started eating my food which was amazing and drank my homemade apple juice. This food tasted so good and I was really enjoying until I heard one sentence "You know I am so glad Ben got what he deserved, what he did was inexcusable no matter if he was POISONED or not, Your little female buddy beside you Newt, I don't know why she defended him when he tried to kill her, he got what was coming to him and I hope he's shucking dead!." Okay now this was really pissing me off and ruining my day. Without realising it I dropped my fork on the plate, I looked at him and I had my glass in my hand and I stood and threw the juice in his face and he looked really pissed off. "Amelia! What the." I didn't let him finish and I pointed my finger at him. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT BEN LIKE THAT, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE WAS GOING THROUGH, HE WAS TERRIFIED AND APOLOGETIC, HE DID NOT WANT TO DIE, AND NEWTS SHE FRIEND IS NAMED AMELIA!, AND IF I EVER HERE YOU TALK ABOUT HIM AGAIN IT WON'T BE MY JUICE I POOR ON YOU,IT WILL BE MY FIST IN YOUR FACE!." I threw the glass on the table and I stormed out of the kitchen. I was beyond mad and I slammer the doors closed while walking out. I felt like a real badass right now.

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