Waking Up And The Recovery Part 2!

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I was starting to move my fingers and I could feel myself waking up. I was opening my eyes and I looked around and I didn't recognise where I was!. I looked around a bit more and tried to think about where I could be. "Where am I, The last thing I remember getting stabbed with something being in serious pain everything going black and waking up. I also remembered hearing voices and lips on top of mine.............. WAIT! Lips on top of mine, Holy cow Newt Kissed me again". I could feel my heart picking up speed and could feel a little smile on my face. I then realised where I was. I was still in the Med jecks. I looked down at my side and could still feel pain. I lifted the blanket up and could see my whole side where I was stabbed bandaged up. Suddenly I remembered something! "OHHHHH GODDD!!! Alby I hope he is okay I remember Newt telling me he was stabbed and wasn't doing well, I hope he is okay". I could feel tears going down my eyes. I was just about to try and get up off the bed to see what is going on but as I was getting it it started to tug on my side and I felt a searing pain "UGHHHHHHHH FRICKEN HELL, THAT HURTS". I then decided not to get up and just stayed lying down. I was really worried about Alby. I then felt really tired and made a decision to go to sleep and that when I wake up someone might be here to tell me what's going on!. I closed my eyes.

I could hear voices around me and I focused on them "Newt what are you going to say to Amelia you love her and you kissed her you will have to talk to her" and then I heard Newt say " How can I talk to her she hates me after that whole situation happened, she will never go for a guy like me" I started to feel my cheeks go really red and I felt a smirk on my face. I really did like Newt. "Sure I do like Newt. He's really good looking". I did a little coughing noise and I could see Thomas walking up to me "OH MY GOD AMELIA YOUR AWAKE, THANK GOD, WE HAVE BEEN SO WORRIED". I could see Newt coming up now "OHHHH AMELIA ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AWAKE, HOW ARE YOU FEELING?". I looked at them both and and smiled a little. "Hey guys it's so good to see you, yeah I am okay still a little sore but other then that I am doing better thanks". The Med jac walked over to me " Great to see you awake Amelia, this is going to be a very long recovery for you, at least two weeks and it will be very painful but with medication it will help". I looked at him and nodded my head " Thank you so much for helping me really it means a lot!". I could feel both Newt and Thomas hugging me and I started laughing. I still felt really weak and let out a groan "Uggggh still hurts a lot". The med jac looked at me and told the other too to leave. "Rite guys I'm sorry but your going to have to leave, Amelia needs to rest up if you want her to recover". They both looked at me smiled and gave me a hug, both guys said "We will come into you later Amelia and rest up well" They both left the room and I could feel my eyes getting heavy. I let out a yawn and smiled. I was out like a light.

I don't know how long it was but when I opened my eyes all I could feel was pain in my side where the metal bar got stuck. It wasn't really painful, just more like burning pain. "GAH! It's actually really sore today." I had to stop moving because moving was making it worse. I looked down and lifted my shirt up. I could see the bandage on my side and I sighed in relief. It wasn't a huge bandage and that meant the cut wasn't that big either. "Thank God for that, would hate if it was much bigger.!" I was just about to call for help as the pain was quite bad but one of the med jecs walked into the room. They looked at me and could see the face I was making which was obviously that I was in pain. Walking over he smiled at me and handed me a cup with water and also two pills. I was guessing that was for the pain. "So how are you feeling today?, Do you think you are on the mend?,". I smiled back at him. "I think I am and I am so lucky the scar isn't that big either, I know if it was bigger it would take much longer to heal." "Wow you know your stuff well, you are right, if it was bigger you would have Ben in more pain and you would have took much longer to heal, I had a look at your scar earlier today and I can safely say it is healing very nicely, you will be out of hede before you know it!."
He turned around and left the room.

I knew I wasn't leaving this room for a long time so I might as well catch up on my rest. I am still so shocked Newt said he loved me. I really wasn't expecting that from him anyways. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over myself. I turned my head to the side and closed my eyes to hopefully have wonderful dreams.

Everything went black!..,........

That's all for that chapter I hope you like it and please comment what you think :)

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