We Are In Trouble And The Escape:

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I woke up before Thomas and I did a big stretch. It felt so nice as I was extremely cramped. Wait where is Theresa?. I thumped Thomas. "Thomas where is Theresa, she's not here." He got up really fast. "I can't see her." Newt and Minho turned up outside the Slammer and let us out. I ran up to him and pulled him into me and hugged him. "Boyyyy it's so good to see you." He smirked at me "Happy to see you too". We started to walk around to find Gally." Suddenly I heard a really loud noise.

I could hear a scream and it sounded exactly like Theresa. "Guys do you hear that?.... is that Theresa?." Newt and Minho looked at me, as well as Thomas. "Yeah I heard it and why is Gally holding Theresa like that!". I turned around because he was looking behind me. I could not believe what I was seeing. Gally was holding Theresa roughly against him so she couldn't move. "LET ME GO GALLY WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?....BANISHING US WON'T SOLVE ANYTHING.!!! THIS IS WRONG." I started to speed walk up to them because I did not like where this was going. I was just about to goup to Gally's face. "GALLY!!!!...... Why are you holding Theresa ike this what is going on??!!!." " ALSO WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU SHUCKING THREATEN CHUCK LIKE THAT??... HE IS A CHILD AND WAS TERRIFIED!!." I looked over at Minho and Newt "Why are you having her held like that?... you haveno authority over the glad... that was albys job, but now that he is gone Newt is in charge...." I agreed with what Minho said because it was true. " "Let her go she done nothing wrong Gally!!!." I knew that was Thomas talking. Gally let out a laugh. "Don't you get it!.. everything has changed since Thomas and Amelia and Theresa came.... Nothing has been right and everything went wrong,.. they are apart of this and I know they are on the bad side!!!" I was feeling so angry inside that he was blaming us again. "Gally this is madness all of it is..... we don't remember anything that happened before the Glade and we appeared here.... so how can any of us have anything to do with this?!!!... its not fare your going off accusing us...!" News walked up in front of everyone. "Listen up people, what Gally is telling you isn't true... the grievers are going to kill of us... what happened last night was bound to happen anytime... it is not Thomas's, Amelia's or Theresa's fault.... they have nothing to do with this....You can't banish them for something they didn't do....." I noticed Gally letting off an evil smirk. I knew this was not good. "Who said anything about banishing?.... Do you really think I will let Thomas back into the maze after what happened??.....nooooo I am simply giving the Grievers an offering so they will not attack us..!" I was absolutely shocked. He was going to let us die.

"GALLY NOOOOO STOP THIS MADNESS IT'S NOT RIGHT...THEY DON'T DESERVE THIS!!!...THEY DON'T REMEMER ANYTHING LET THEM GO!!!.  I heard Minho screaming. I was going to say something but I saw one of the boys come over to me trying to grab me. "Don't even think aboout it!.. you touch me and I will make sure you do not have hands after you shucking do!!!." The boy just started laughing and coming closer to me. I was getting worried. Before he could touch me he was on the floor. I was startled as I didn't see anything happen. I looked up and saw Thomas holding his wrist. Newt was in front of some of the boys with his stick threatening to hit them and Minho had his knife pointing at Gally begging him to try something. I put a smirk on my face. "Not so shucking tough now are you Gally?!." He gave me a dirty look. I just kept smirking. I wanted to laugh but I held it in. I looked to my right and saw Chuck. He looked nervous and a little agitated. "Hey Chuck it's okay we are going to get out of this horrible place and your safe now. Gally can't hurt you..!" I gave him a smile and a little hug. I could see him blushing. "I am so happy we might get out of here Amelia, and thanks so much for standing up for me and not mentioning my name it meant a lot...you are a very nice girl....!" I gave him another smile and a hug. "You're welcome Chuck." I stood up straight again after hugging him. I wanted to see what was going to happen next.

Newt walked over to me and I was going red. He held my hand tightly and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. "I love you so much Amelia and I am so glad I met you.... I am so glad we are both safe..!" I gave him a soft smile. "Me Too Newt..!" I held his hand tighter. Someone else began to speak and I knew it was Thomas. "Gally it's over...you know yourself you have more of  chance surviving in the maze... if you stay here the Grievers will come back after dark and you will get attacked and die..!!! come with us and give yourself a fighting chance..come on..!" After Thomas had spoke I could see boys who were behind Gally begin to move away and come over to our side. Breathing in and out slowly I gave a relieved sigh. "The more people we have the more of a chance we have to survive...!". Gally then began to speak "I am not leaving the Glade where we have lived for so long and had memories, You can all go and I wish you the best of luck especially with the traiters....Good luck with the Grievers also...!!!" Shaking my head I sighed as I knew he was stubborn and that staying there was going to shucking kill him.

We all turned to face the maze I was quite nervous and so was Chuck who was standing beside me. I held his hand in mine tightly and gave him a smile. "We can do this believe it Chuck..!" He gave me a smile. "I know Amelia I believe you....!. I gave his hand a little nudge. "Good luck to you too Gally!...I hope you survive this and somehow get out too...!" Turning around I gave Minho a smile as that was nice of him to say and I could see Gally give him a nod.

After that was all finished and we were all face the entrance I heard everyone take a long sigh and we all began to run into the maze. I could feel my heart racing and I was very nervous. I was still holding Chuck's and Newt's hands. All these people around me was giving me the courage to get through this and not back out.

As we were still running I realised something.........

We had escaped the Glade. But now we were facing the Maze and had to escape that.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

That is the next chapter completed. I am really stuck now and need so help on what to write on next chapter... Any help or advice would be appreciated.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and keep liking........ :) lUV YALL Xxxxx

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