Ben's Unfare Punishment And A Heartbreaking Ending.

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I woke up the next day and I was actually feeling normal for once and not tired. My neck was still sore though and a bit itchy. I had to resist scratching as I didn't want trouble with it. I sat on the edge of my bed and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night, it was such a traumatic and scary night. Everyone's emotions were all over the place. I was very worried no extremely worried about Ben and I was thinking to myself. "I hope nothing seriously bad happens to Ben, I understand fully what he did was wrong and dangerous, he could have killed me or severely hurt me but it wasn't him it was the scratch that caused it, I am so worried". I get up and get changed pretty fast into cosy clothes. Tied my hair in a loose bun at the top of my head and decided to go out and see what's happening around the Glade. See if there is any news about Ben or maybe I could try and talk to Alby in private when all of the other boys weren't not around. I know they had an influence on what happens around here. He would never listen to me with all of them around. I headed for my bedroom door to go out.

I was walking out the door and was walking down the stairs. I looked across the Glade and into the Slammer I saw Ben in this cage and he looked really scared. After I looked at him I got me memories of what happened yesterday and it caused me to get the horrible shivers on my skin so I shook my head to get rid of the images. The cage looked horrible and very disgusting today more then other days. I was going to walk up to him when I saw Newt and Thomas went into this room where there was a group of other boys too and Alby. I was going to follow and listen to what they were saying but I thought it would be better to talk to Ben. Maybe he felt better today. When I knew Newt was in the tent I went quickly over to the Slammer. I knew Albi said no one can go see him but I didn't care. I wanted to try and talk to Ben.

I was now infront of the cage and when I looked in poor Ben had tears down his eyes and he looked so scared. I kneeled down infront of the cage so I could see him better. He lifted his head and when he saw me his eyes opened wide and he came over to the gates on the cage. He sat opposite me holding them. "Amelia oh my god!!, I am so happy you are okay, I can't believe I did that to you!, I am so so sorry". I gave him a little smile and held his hand like there was no fear in me at all. "It's okay I know you didn't mean to do it, I know it was the sting from the Griever, dont worry I forgive you because I know it wasn't you and it was not your fault!". Ben looked shocked after I said that to him. "I didnt realise what I was doing, I promise you, I couldn't control it, I was just watching myself do that stuff to you and I wasn't able to stop it, I really tried to and I was shouting at myself to stop but nothing worked!". "I am so shucking sorry Amelia!". I could see tears coming down his eyes. He genuinely felt really bad. I rubbed his hand and nearly felt my own eyes get watery. I knew he was I'm trouble for what he did even though he couldn't control his actions. "Ben it's okay, as I said I forgive you, it wasn't you and you were not able to control yourself, it's not your fault so stop blaming yourself!". I promise you I am going to help you somehow and when this is all over me and you can properly get to know eachother". I could see a smile on his face and he rubbed my hand back through the gates. "You are too kind Amelia, I really don't deserve your forgiveness, I nearly killed you or could have really hurt you, I can never forgive myself". I could feel him rubbing my hand again and his hands were so soft. "As for getting to know you properly, I would love to, you seem like such a lovely person, maybe we could even eventually be friend's?". Again I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand and gave a smile. "Of course I would love to eventually be friend's with you Ben, you seem like a lovely person too.". I'm making a promise to myself right now just like I did to Ben. I am going to help him not matter what. I then suddenly remembered they were all in one of the rooms having a meeting, probably talking about Ben. The only way I was going to help him was by being in that meeting or getting to speak to Albi. I had to do it fast. I let go of his hands quickly and stood up. "They are having a meeting town in the room and all of them are in there, I am going to go down there and I am going to do whatever I can to help you, I PROMISE BEN!". I began walking away from the Slammer and I heard him bang the cage. "Be careful!, you know how much authority Albi has, but please help me, I don't want to be banished from the Glade, I was a runner and it is terrible out there!". As I was going down the steps away from the slammer I shouted out to him. "I will do all I can I promise!, Don't be scared, I will figure out something!". I was still running to the room they were all in. I was at the door and got a little nervous. I mean what if they all laugh at me or don't even listen to a word I say. I contemplated for a few minutes. I knew what I had to do. This was for Ben. I have made my decision.

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