MedJecs And The Long Recovery!!!!

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I woke up again and I could feel the pain going all through me and I let out a scream "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" "It Hurts". I could feel Thomas still rubbing my hair "Amelia I know it hurts just breath in and out really slow okay, Your going to be okay just hang on". The pain was Unbearable I just couldn't concentrate everything was hurting me so bad. I looked at thomas "WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH? What's WRONG WITH ME???". I felt hands on my face and realised it was a Newt "Amelia your in so much pain because when you were getting out of the maze a piece of something metal probably from the maze wall is lodged in your rib and you have broken a few ribs, don't worry keep breathing the Med Jecs are on their way, coming as fast as they can". I looked at Thomas with a panicked face and tears" What about Alby is Alby okay????" I saw Newt walk forward "Alby has been scratched by a griever he's not doing well Amelia". I looked at Newt and Thomas in shock "What he was fine he was just knocked out he was fine." Newt looked at me " No Amelia he was knocked out because he got stung by a griever". I couldn't believe it. The pain was Unbearable in my side. Thomas was holding my hand tightly " The Med Jecs are here now hold on" I took a few deep breaths and scrunched my eye closed in pain. "Ugggh worst day ever."

The med jecs came up to me and I could feel them touching my injury. "God i just want the pain to go away please its killing me". One of the med jecs held my hand tightly. " Amelia look at me okay focus on my voice". I nodded my head to let him know I was focusing on him. "Okay good girl, I am going to put some stuff into the cut to help it heal it will hurt but it's going to help you okay?". I looked at him with a panicked face and I started to breath really fast. I could hear Newt talking to me " Amelia listen to me it will hurt but its going to help you okay, just breath.?" I looked at Newt and took a deep breath then I nodded my head. "You can squeeze my hand as tight as you want if that will help?" I looked at Newt's face and I slowly put my hand around his and squeezed tightly and I could see him smiling at me. I saw the Med Jecs take something out of a jar and it looked small and slimy "Ok Amelia I am going to put it in okay and as I said it will hurt so squeeze Newts hand as tight as you can okay?". I nodded my head at him and could see him putting it in . At first it didn't hurt but when it touched my flesh there was a horrible burning stinging feeling. I couldn't bear it any more and started to scream. "AHHHHHHHHHHH HOLY CRAP IT HURTS MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!".

Thomas heard my screams ran over to me and put his face in front of mine. "Amelia stop screaming you have to just, look focus on my voice you can do it come on focus don't think about the pain love just focus on my voice you can do it". I could hear him but his voice was fading out and I felt really dizzy and just when I was about to talk to him everything was black. Just before I passed out I heard Newt and Thomas say "Be strong Amelia, you will be fine."

I could feel my hands moving ever so slightly but I felt so weak and my side was killing me. "What's wrong with me where am I". Then I remembered everything. Getting stuck in the maze hurting my side and Alby nearly dying. I could feel tears going down my eyes "Why did this have to happen everything is going downhill and I don't know what to do!!!!" I started to feel weak again and I could hear voices speaking close to me " Newt and Thomas it is going to take her a very long time to recover, she has got a really nasty gash that will take a very long time to heal and even when she does heal it will still be very painful and will take a very long time for her to get her strength back". I was really upset I didn't want to be out of action for a long time" I heard Thomas ask the Med jeck " How long will it take her exactly to heal do you think?" " Well by how deep her gash is and because she is very skinny and small I would say at least a good few weeks maybe 2 or 3". I was really upset I never wanted this to happen. I could hear them walking into the room. Everything started to go all blurry and black and I could feel myself passing out again but just before I did I could feel lips on top of mine. "I love you so much Amelia please stay strong for me and focus on getting better and I am so sorry for the way I acted please stay strong" and I could feel their lips on mine again and then everything went black again........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Another kiss from Newt, I think things are shaping up 😀


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