Figuring A Way Out. The Return!!

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I got up off Minho and moved away to look around. There was so much paths in different directions to take and I had no idea where to go but I knew we couldn't go out the door back to the glade as that was closed until the morning again. I really hate when things don't go out way, it's very frustrating and stressful. I let out a big sigh and I turned to Minho " Well we cant go back out the door to the glade as that's closed fully until the morning, whatever time that will be." Minho looked absolutely wrecked, I don't think he is up for much either." We have to do something to help us stay alive and away from the Grievers until the morning so we can get back to the glade safely, any ideas would be great to hear but not ones that are risky or can kill is.??" I honestly had no idea on what to do and I really was terrified. I really didn't want us to come face to face with a griever because Alby would not be able to defend himself and I don't want what happened to Ben to happen to us because that really did not look fun to have at all. I really did not fancy being Griever lunch. They looked so huge and disgusting that day I saw them with Newt. I was feeling so tired now that I went over and sat beside him. "Hey maybe we should try to get  a few minutes of shuteye so we're rested up for later what you think or?." He smiled at me "Yes that's a great idea, let's try to get as much as we can."

Minho and I had slept for approximately twenty five minutes and it was so peaceful and relaxing until I woke up with a start. I heard some crunching sounds and that dud not sound good to me. I knew it meant trouble. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT!?". I looked left and right very fast and there was nothing there but I knew there was something lurking around us or very close to us. I walked over to Minho and shook him roughly to make him wake up "Minho there is something out there! I'm really scared, what do we do?."". He got up really quickly and looked around and heard the noise and his eyes opened wide. He held my face. "SHIT AMELIA ITS THE GRIEVERS WE HAVE TO GO NOW LIKE RIGHT BLOODY NOW, THERE GETTING MUCH CLOSER". I looked at him shocked "WHAT YOU SAID WE WERE OKAY? What's GOING ON, IM GETTING FREAKED OUT.!!!!, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO AND WHAT ABOUT ALBY, WE CANT JUST LEAVE HIM ABD HE CANT RUN WITH US, HE'S TOO HURT MINHO, HE WONT MAKE IT!?" Minho looked at me sternly "We have to go now Amelia these are not just little robots these are huge creatures capable of torture and killing instantly, you don't want to be around for that trust me, and they are really really dangerous, you  saw what happened to ben.", Now help me get Alby up and we are going to have to figure something out, COME ON!!!!" I knew he was right and I got up fast and walked over to Alby and pulled him up by his arm and Minho grabbed his other side.

I knew we couldn't get away by running with the shape Alby was in and I was beginning to get really doubtful that we would make it out alive. I was really anxious and I hate feeling like that. "What are we going to do, this is not good!". Looking around the maze I was trying to find an idea for us to be safe until the doors open at least. I began to look up the walls and I could see some vines hanging down from the top of the walls to the ground and had an amazing idea well I thought it was amazing idea "Minho I wonder if we could tie Alby into those vines tightly on the walls up high and I mean really tight and high while me and you climb up and try to get rid of the grievers or let them not see us and pass by hmmmmmm...." I looked at Minho "Heyyyyyy Minho I have an idea that I think might work" He looked at me surprised "And whats your idea??" I smirked "What if we tie Alby up on those vines tightly and out of view and me and you climb those vines up onto the top and try to get rid of the grievers or stay out of sight and let them pass!!, what do you think??". Minho looked at me shocked "Ohhhh shit that's a great idea Amelia and might just work and things cant get any worse by trying it" I smiled and went over to Alby and Minho helped me lift him up. We hoisted him up into the wall and I held him there while Minho tied the vines around him tightly and put loads of vines around him so the grievers would not see him. He was so bloody heavy it was hard to lift him but I wasn't going to give up. I was just covering his wrist  with the vines tightly when I noticed while pulling his shirt sleeve up he had a cut on his arm exactly like Ben has and I suddenly felt a huge pang of sadness and guilt in me. I knew Alby had got scratched by a griever. Minho saw what I was looking at and had a sad expression on his face "Amelia I know he's been scratched but we will get him out of here and we will find the cure and give it to him I know we will don't worry, were not giving up!". I looked at Minho and smiled "Yes I know we can now let's get these vines around him really tightly".

The Maze Runner, Amelia's Side To The Story.Where stories live. Discover now