Facing The Maze.....

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We Had Got Into The Maze and we were all walking really slowly. The younger kids in our group I could tell were very scared. I don't know why but I had a feeling something iffy was going to happen. I walked up to Thomas. I touched his arm "Thomas I have a iffy feeling about this place" he looked at me with a smirk "Your not the only one"
We started to walk further into the maze and I don't know why but the walls looked like they were getting higher. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. We were turning a corner and we all heard a groan so we started to sprint faster and faster. I looked back behind me to make sure everyone else was okay. I could see everyone else keeping up.

We got to a walk way platform looking thing and it had a very deep fall on each side of it. "Guys we need to take this very careful this is very dangerous, any mess up and were facing a really long drop below us."

Thomas looked around to everyone "OKAY LISTEN UP!!, WE ARE GOING TO WALK ACROSS THIS WALK WAY IN TWO'S AND VERY CAREFULLY BECAUSE ANY MISTAKE AND WE WILL BE OVER THE EDGE!!, GOT IT" everyone nudged their heads and I saw Chuck move forward "what will happen if we slip" I walked up to him and rubbed his shoulder
"Hey chuck don't worry bud let's not think about that, we will be okay I promise" I saw Chuck move his head to look at me "Do you promise nothing will happen" I gave a little smile not knowing if we would be but I had to stay strong for everyone's sake "Yes Chuck I promise we will be okay and I will protect you don't worry" I saw him let a little chuckle out "Thank you". I gave him a little smirk and walked ahead again standing beside Newt so it would make us all walk in Two's.

I looked at Newt and softly grabbed his hand "Newt what are we going to do if we ever get out of the maze?, I'm scared" I felt him tighten his hand on my hand and give me a small nudge "Amelia don't worry about that we will figure it out when the time comes, but I promise you this, I will protect you know matter what I sware it." I could feel my face getting hot from what he said. "Newt that's really sweet of you, now I know why I fell in love with you, your a charmer you are haha". I heard Newt laugh too "You can bet on that shucks I'm irresistible" I started laughing again and gave him a nudge "Your so shucking cocky" I held his hand a little tighter again "I'm serious though Newt I am scared" he looked me in the eyes while walking "I know Amy I am scared too if it makes you feel any better, I think everyone is here" I gave him a little smirk and we kept our focus on the walk again.

We were walking ahead a bit more when I noticed something weird about the ground we were walking on. I walked a little further ahead of Newt not too fast though. When I came up to it. I was Right there was a big hole in the pathway we were on. There was only one way to get across and that was to jump. I could feel my heart racing but I knew I had to act fast. I turned around so fast and screamed "THOMAS GET EVERYONE TO STOP WE HAVE A PROBLEM, THERES IS A BIG GAP IN THIS PATH WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE IT VERY SLOWLY AND JUST WALK ACROSS, I DONT KNOW HOW SUPPORTIVE IT IS" GET EVERYONE TO STOP WALKING". It was just when I had finished shouting that I had realized everyone had stopped walking when they heard me so I started to blush a little embarrassment.

Thomas, Newt And Minho walked up to me. Newt walked a little further ahead and I heard Minho speak. "oh shucks that is a really really long way down" we all nodded our heads and I could feel my heart racing. I didnt know what we were going to do at all.

I was thinking to myself on what we were going to do because I knew it was too far for all of us to jump together and who knows how stable the other side is. I then thought of an idea and I turned and looked at the others "okay listen guys we all know here that me and Theresa are the lightest here, so me and her will go first and when we get to the other side we can be there to catch people who then jump over and when people get over they help the other people coming over too" I looked at Theresa and could tell she was nervous but I also knew she agreed with me. I then looked at the lads "sooo what you guys think". Newt walked up to me and grabbed my face "Are you sure you want to do this Amelia you don't have to, its very steep and long" I gave him a hug with a smirk "Newt it has to be done, there is no other way around, I will be fine" I felt him tighten the hug and grab my hand "Amelia please be careful I love you so much and don't want anything to happen to you" I couldn't hold it in anymore.
I grabbed his face this time and gave him a sweet long kiss, the feel of his lips against my lips was amazing I could feel sparks, (ladies we know what that's like" 😝 sorry back to it then.

I then slowly pulled away and smiled at him "Don't worry I promise I will and I will wait on the other side for you". Newt smiled at me and gave me one last hug "I trust you and I will be there to give u another kiss" I could feel butterflies in my stomach it was so nice.

I walked over to Thomas and Minho and grabbed them both in a hug "Listen boys you both have to tell the the others too come in single files after me and Theresa Get across and I mean single file okay guys, I'm counting on you". I notice the both of them tighten the hug and I let a little chuckle out "we promise we will do that and please be careful". It was funny they both said that at the same. I smiled at them both "I promise you both I will, alright" and I gave them both a smirk. I began to walk back to Theresa. Before we decided to head across I grabbed her hand "We Can do This, When You Think about it, it's Not Far. Are you ready?" I felt her tighten her grip in my hand. It nearly stopped the blood flow, but I couldn't blame her. I was terrified too. "I'm ready Emelia Let's do this". I let go of her hand and began to walk forward to the gap. When I looked back I knew she was following me.

We both got to the gap "Theresa I will go first okay and when I get to the other side I will turn around and hold my hand out for you, you then do the exact same thing I do okay?" I could tell she was terrified but I saw her nod her head at me "I will jump over straight after you Amelia". I gave her a smile moved a little behind her. I took a deep breath "I can do this, I have to it's to help the others". I took another deep breath and ran for it. Once I got to the gap I took a big leap and closed my eyes. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!". I then opened my eyes and I realised I was lying on the floor. I had made it to the other side. I was so happy and it held my weight. "AMELIA YOU DID IT YOUR OKAY, THANK GOD, NOW GET UP AND HELP THERESA HURRY!" by the sound of the voice I knew it was Newt. I looked over at him and smiled.
I walked back over the edge and looked over at Theresa. She was preparing to jump as well. I let myself get a little closer to the edge so I would be able to grab her "Amelia I am about to jump now so please grab me!". I looked over at her and smiled "Dont worry Theresa I will, Now Jump!". I could see her taking the same run that I did and when I saw her get closer I made sure to keep my eyes open. As soon as she got closer to me I grabbed her hand and pulled her in tightly to me. I had a smile on my face and couldn't stop laughing "Theresa you did it your ok!" Next thing I know I feel a really tight hold around my waist "Amelia Thank You so Much You Caught me and I was so scared I Would Fall, But I'm okay Thank you!" I hugged her tightly back "Dont worry Theresa Your Safe". We were both laughing a little.

Just as I was about to let her go I heard a shout "Guys everyone else is coming over now so be ready!" Thomas had shouted over at us.

Me and Theresa both got ourselves to the edge again so we could Help and catch everyone coming over. I was so happy it had taken about 30 minutes to get everyone over and the only person left now was Thomas. "OKAY THOMAS EVERYONE IS OVER THANK GOD LAST PERSON IS YOU!". This time it was me and Newt who went to the edge and held our hands out for him. "You have to help me Newt hes a lot stronger than me". I heard Newt Let out a little laugh and I saw Him nod "Don't worry I will help you". I gave him a small hit to let him know I told him to shut up. When We Looked Up we could both see Thomas Running For It Towards us. Me and Newt Prepared for his jump. He had done a brilliant jump and he was so close to us. Just when he was about to put his foot down on our side his foot slipped. Me and Newt Prepared for it and grabbed his hands tightly "Don't worry Thomas we have you, Hold Tight we're going to lift you up, Ready Amelia Pull As Hard As You can!". I heard exactly what Newt had told me and started to pull as hard as I could and with Newt's aided strength we got him up. Thank god. Once Thomas was up he grabbed the two of us "Thanks Guys, I would have been a goner if you had both not caught me, so really thanks!"

Me and Newt smirked at him. Don't worry Thomas we wouldn't let you fall. Your our friend and you mean to much to us". Thomas turned to me and started laughing "Thanks Amelia Really means Alot!"

We let go of each other and caught up to the others. We were all so happy that Thomas was okay. Who knows what would have happened if we had lost Thomas. I got over to the group and I felt a flush of wind. Theresa had tun up to Thomas and Hugged Him. "DON'T you ever do that again, I thought I Had Lost You". I could have sworn I saw some tears and started smirking. We all knew they both liked eachother it was so obvious. "Theresa relax I'm still here ain't I. You haven't lost me sweetcheeks" I could see him giving her a little Kiss "AWWWWW!" I think I embarrassed her because she walked passed me and back to the others.

We kept walking for another while. Thank god everyone made it so far. I was so worried we would loose people. We shall have to see what happens next.

Thank Guys That's the End Of The Chapter. I hope you liked it..... sorry it took me so long to reply.

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