Chucks Faith 😭

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We Had Been Walking For Nearly 3 Hours and Everyone Was Starting To get Really Tired. Especially The Younger Kids Like Chuck. "I hope we find something soon because I think were going to have to take a break soon, younger ones are getting tired. Thomas and Newt both looked at me and shook their heads in agreement. I could see a small smile on Newt's face and I could feel myself go a little red as well. "Was that because we had shared a kiss and I found things a bit awkward?" I have no idea but all these things and everything happening right now is very confusing.

We were walking a little bit further when I suddenly found a handle to a door. I wasn't sure if I should open it or not as we have no idea what's behind the door or who. We needed to get out of this maze so I decided I was going to open it. Just as I was about to pull the handle down and I felt myself be moved to the side a little roughly and could hear Thomas 'Noooooo!!!!, Amelia you have been taking to many risks since we got into the maze so I am going to do this as you deserve a break from some risks. I looked at him with a little smirk on his face "Is is because I am a girl Thomas?." I could see Thomas's face go red and he was lost on words. "Noooo it's just I mean ohhh god I don"t know!" I walked over to him and started laughing. "Thomas I am only joking I know exactly what you meant!" Thomas gave me a little shove "you idjitt your not funny".

I started to laugh a little more but then we heard Newt's voice. "Guys I hate to burst this little moment but we have younger company here that need rest as they don't have as much stamina as us older people, So Thomas can you please open the door so we can all move". We all heard Thomas take a deep breath and then he opened the door. I was so nervous but then I was thinking why I was so nervous when there was nothing behind the door. It was completely silent. Minho decided to brave his courage and go ahead in front of all of us. After he went through the door we all decided to follow him in one by one.

When I got in I was shocked the, the room was completely empty, but there was computer screens all over the place and empty chairs. There was broken glass and smashed windows and chairs on the floors. It started to freak me out. "What the hell happend in here?" With the corner of my eyes I could just about see Thomas going up to one of the computers. He pressed a button and a video started. I turned to the others to come. "Hey guys I think we should watch this video Thomas found, it could be really important for us all to hear".

In about 3 minutes everyone was looking at the screen that Thomas was in front of. The lady that suddenly appeared on the screen seemed really familiar to me for some reason, but I just couldn't figure out why. She started to speak anyways.

Congratulations! You've finally earned a bunch of answers, in the form of some lady staring out of a screen and saying them at you. Satisfying, yes? Anyway, here goes: The sun has gotten real big and real hot and has cooked the surface of the earth, although clearly it doesn't affect your maze for whatever reason. This sun pocalypse somehow caused that zombie-ish disease, but then your generation was born and could survive the disease, although in your experience no you can't, so we stuck you in the maze because watching you guys try to break out of a monster maze helps us study the disease in some inexplicable way, although why the hell are we even doing that when we have a cure already, and why do we only use teenage boys, and uh... (frowns)

Okay, fuck it, we might as well commit to doing nothing except raise further questions.

Oh no, machine-gun-wielding rebels are killing us now! WICKED is good!. I then jumped because the last thing we all saw on the video was the lady taking up a gun and literally shooting herself in the head with it. I will admit I did let out a small gasp as I have never seen anything like that in real life. Only on the TV and movies. I was feeling very confused as well. "Why does she seem so familiar to me?, "Why is she saying were important? did I know her or something".

The Maze Runner, Amelia's Side To The Story.Where stories live. Discover now