Getting Back To Usual Routine

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I Could hear voices around me and I knew they were talking about me! "Well will Amelia be able to get back to working soon because it's been long enough and we need the help". I could feel myself smirking "Typical Gally needing me to get back to work and thinks I am being lazy haha". I began to open my eyes and saw Newt, Thomas, Gally and the Medjecs talking. I started to get up off the bed and realised I was feeling a lot better and put my feet of the bed and began to walk over to where they were all talking and I opened the door. "Hi guys". They all turned around and looked at me and the medjec smiled and walked. "Amelia you're awake and walking, you look really well actually, How do you feel?". I turned towards him and gave him a smirk " I am feeling so much better thanks, a little sore where I got hurt but other than that I feel great thanks". He smiled at me again "That's great to hear Amelia I thought it would take you a lot longer to recover much longer but this is great all that rest did you well". He then walked out. Thomas looked at me then "Lets go get you some food Amelia you must be starving after not eating in so long".

I looked at him and then realised" OMG!! WOWWWW I am starving haha, I hope I can get that bread I really like and cheese". I followed them down to the canteen and we all sat down on the same table. I couldn't stop looking at all the food and I wanted it so bad. "Look Thomas she is starving the poor thing". I was looking for the bread and cheese, it was so good that I really wanted it again. I could feel my face going really red and warm feeling too and I gave Newt a smack on the arm and he gave me a hurt face "Ouch that hurt Amelia". I pouted at him "Grow up baby it didn't hurt that bad, come on your a big brave strong boy". I could hear Thomas Laughing "Leave him alone Amelia you know he is very weak HAHA!!, anyways its perfectly normal for you to be really hungry rite now, u have not eat in like 6 days or more so of course you will be hungry ,starving I mean". I could feel my face going really red again. Honestly my face goes red way too many times."Guys stop this is embarrassing, I am so hungry can one of you guys please get lots of food, I don't want to pass out please and I am still in pain here and recovering." I saw Newt begin to get up and walk up to Fry cook and whisper in his ear and I saw him look over at me and smirk. "Emmmmm Thomas what's going on why is Frycook staring at me?". "Well Amelia he was really worried about you and he told Newt he was going to cook you up something really really special". I started to go really red for the third time today. "Jesus Amelia control your face. "Awwwww that' so sweet of him he did not have to". Thomas started smirking "What's up with you Thomas you look like you have seen a ghost or something like that?". He then stared at me "Amelia don't look back yet but Newts coming over and it looks like what he has is huge and I mean so much food.". I was starting to get a bit nervous and Thomas noticed it "Relax Amelia its nothing bad you will love it babe now close your eyes hurry". I put a smile on my face and closed my eyes and heard the plate be put in front of me and then heard Newts voice "Open your eyes Amelia you will love this girl". I could feel my heart race with Newts lips near my ear and opened my eyes and was totally shocked and heard my stomach grumble really loudly. "OH MY GOD! guys this looks gorgeous and really delicious I mean wowwwww". Infront of me was a plate of Steak with chips and gravy with a bowl of Ice Cream and Chocolate sauce it looked devine. I began to eat it and let out a huge moan "OMG!!! THIS IS SHUCKING AMAZING!!!!". The guys looked at me and were smiling. "We knew you would Amelia and It's really nice to see you happy again babe" I heard Thomas say. I was eating the meal and smiling. This was just too amazing and delicious. "Right now I am literally in heaven and it tastes so good, I hope I could get this again, It has really satisfied me,." I am so happy right now.

After that gorgeous meal I was completely stuffed. I decided to go over to Fry cook and thank him. I mean this meal was just divine, gorgeous. I walked over to the place he usually stands and saw him there. "Fry cook heyyyyy I just wanted to thank you so much for that amazing meal. I am officially stuffed" and I let out a smile to him. "Awwwww I am glad you liked that Amelia I thought you would and I am so happy to see you back to yourself I was so worried about you everyone was, that's why we all came up with this plan to make you a nice meal to see you smile again.". I looked at him "Thanks so much Fry cook really that means a lot and was very sweet of you all especially you too cook it, hope I can get it again sometime". "Oh yeah for sure I will make it for you again, Ohhhh yeah that reminds me Amelia, Gally want's you to get back to you're Job as soon as you can tomorrow since we need more help and you were out for awhile,sorry doll". I rolled my eyes "Of course he does, he has always had it for me since I came here, I mean is it because I am the only girl here or what?, I mean I really don't get him at all, or why he treats me like this". Fry Cook looked at me and let a little snort out "Amelia darling he is always like that to everyone new who comes into the Glade, it's not just you and I think since Alby got hurt he's much worse,he is just a grumpy person Don't take it personally okay". I nodded at him "Don't worry I wont haha he doesn't deserve it anyways and I won't give it I can tell you that for sure". I began to walk away "That's my girl". I turned and smirked at him "Always Frycook"

I was walking out of the canteen and saw Gally and decided to confront him. I walked up to him really fast, well more
Iike ran fast up to him. He turned around and smirked "Ahhhh sleeping beauty has woken up and finally decided to do some work and do her part here instead of being a little baby about her injury and making a big deal of it to get out of her work, typical ". He kept on smirking and I was getting closer to him and once I felt I was close enough I screamed at him. I mean who was he to tell me I was making a big deal out of my injury, it was very painful, I had a huge piece of metal stuck in me. He's such an asshole. "What the hell is your problem Gally!, Ever since I came you---you have had it out for me, I mean what the hell have I ever done to you?, Is it because I am a girl and the only girl here because if it is I will hit you so hard Gally, right in the mouth!". He started to laugh at me in a cruel way. "Amelia it is not to do with if you are a girl, I don't give a crap about that, I just think you can't do what we are all capable of and your so lazy, I mean you spent six days in bed not contributing to any of the work around here.," I could feel my skin boiling and before I could stop myself I hit him so hard in the mouth and he was on the floor holding his jaw groaning in pain. He is such a shucking prick, treating me like this. "You are a shucking asshole you know that?, and I don't know why anyone listens to you or is your friend, you are a heartless bastard Gally and you deserved that punch in the mouth and I hope it hurts really bad". He deserved it and had it coming a long time.

I could hear people laughing all around us and I could hear people coming up behind me "WHAT THE SHUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?". I recognised it as Newt's voice and I turned around to him "Gally is being a prick Newt you should have heard what he said, he deserved what he got coming". Newt looked at me and he didn't look impressed at all. "You can't just go hitting people Amelia but I bet he deserved it, and I bet it looked so good." I smiled at him "Thanks Newt your the best haha". He smiled "Okay everyone show is officially over here, there is nothing to see so back to work and Amelia you can have the day off and do what you want, you can come back to work tomorrow okay?". I looked at him and nodded my head "Whatever you say boss man". "As for you Gally GET BACK TO WORK AND STOP Harassing PEOPLE FOR ONCE IN YOUR SHUCKING LIFE ". I couldn't stop laughing and turned around and I started walked away. It felt so good hitting Gally in the mouth. I still don't understand why he treats me so bad and I guess I never will find out. "Just typical." All the bad stuff always has to happen to me.

I was sitting on the tree near to the forest relaxing and thinking "I wonder if I had a family before this place, I mean I had to right?" I am just still really confused about all of this. I know I had thought about my parents whoever they were already lots of times. Honestly though I am so interested about them. I mean if we do get out of here sometime, which I really hope we do, will I get to see my parents or find out if I have parents?" I didn't want to get emotional so I dropped that topic. I was so sick of crying. I looked up at the sky and suddenly I realised it was dark. I must have been here a really long time and I felt really tired. I was thinking about going to bed but I wasn't bothered to go and started to feel really tired. I wish I could remember something, it's really getting much harder to cope around here". I could feel tears coming down and next thing I know I had fallen asleep. Last thing on my mind was.

"I want to remember everything, I want to remember my family and where I lived, that's all I cared about now?"


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