A New Friend And Meeting Alby.

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It felt like I was Out for hours. I couldn't tell how long it was but it felt like ages. I began to move my fingers and started to feel around me, I felt something and it was soft and warm. "uggghh where am I right now and what the shuck happened??" My head was hurting quite bad too. I have to admit the blanket I was on was really cozy though. "You passed out when I told you where you were!" I could hear someone speaking and I recognised the voice. Knowing exactly who it was I bolted up straight away to sitting on the bed and I looked at him, embarrassed that he might have been there the whole time staring at me passed out. "Ohhhhh god, were you here the whole time I was out??"" "how long was I out for?, My head is killing me ouch!". Listening I could hear him walk over to me and I saw him kneel down infront of me. I realised it was the same guy as earlier with the british accent n-n-n oh ya Newt. Yes I was right. "No I was not here the whole time don't worry, I only walked in a few minutes before you woke up, I was just coming in to see how you were, we were all worried and we wanted to give you privacy, since you are a girl as well, and you were out for around twenty minutes".

"God I am so confused, I don't remember anything, my head is pounding". Newt looked at me "I know how you are feeling trust me we all do, every single one of us felt like that when we were brought here, you are not alone." I looked at him strangely!. "what do you mean when all of you were brought here??". He got up and sat beside me. He took a few breathes of air and then looked at me. I felt a little nervous as I had no idea what he was going to tell me. If it was good or bad. "I hope it's not too bad". I began messing with my fingers as I was feeling anxious as well. He started to speak and tell me about their side of what happened to them.

"First of all....,Well all of us boys were brought here the exact same way you were Amelia, in that elevator out there that you arrived here in, we didn't know why we were brought here either and we still don't, and trust me we are just as confused as you are and would love to find out what's happened and why we were brought here, so! you see you are not the only one who feels the way you are feeling about this whole situation". "We may all act tough and as if nothing is bothering us, but I am telling you right now Amelia, we are all just as scared and frustrated as you are right now, trust me on that!".

I started to think to myself. "Why were we brought here. I wonder why all of us, what is so special about us that we were selected and not other people, why am I the only girl??" I looked up at him. "why am I the only girl Newt I mean there has to be something up or some kind of reason for that,I mean isn't it a little weird that I'm the first girl and that no other girl was ever brought up before me?, It doesn't make any sense at all". Newt looked at me strangely like he was thinking really hard about something and then he gave me a little smile. "I am really sorry, but I have no idea at all why this has happened to you and why it's suddenly a girl, doesn't make sense to me as much as it doesn't to you, I really don't know Amelia, I wish I had the answers for you, all I do know is is that you were put in that elevator and brought up here for a reason, but that reason I do not know".

I tried again to remember who I was any thing at all but nothing was coming to me,not even one little bit of memory. I was so frustrated and everything was white! "Newt what am I going to do I don't remember anything at all, I don't know why I am here and I want to remember everything but I cant". I couldn't keep it in anymore and I began to cry yet again!,I am such a baby.

Newt looked at me and gave me a strong hug and a smile again.! "Don't worry Amelia your safe here everything will be figured out all right, think about it, we are all going through the same thing here okay, we will help support eachother,that's what we do??" I stopped crying and looked at him with a bit of a smile "Thanks Newt that means a lot". I hugged him back. It felt so nice and comforting.

He got up and looked at me with a smirk"okay I had better get you out to Alby he wants to meet you and give you the strict rules and a lovely tour" I got up and followed him out the door. "This will be interesting haha". Before I walked out the door I stopped and turned around. "Newt wait who is Alby,? You never mentioned him before?" Newt smirked at me. "Alby is the big man,the boss of this place, he was one of the first here, so was I, that's why we are at the top and control thing's around here, since you are new you are called a Greenie". I understood what he was saying so I nodded my head and walked out with him. I was a little nervous but I guess I was a little excited too. We both left the room we were in. Before we walked down the stairs I took a quick look around the place. I was shocked it looked so different from how I first remember seeing it when I got here. Everyone was out working, talking or eating and just seemed like the place was way more lively. Kind of homey. It was actually kind of nice to be honest. I took a deep breath and continued to follow Newt.

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