The Return, We Are Trapped and I'm Terrified!

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I immediately recognised it as Alby and Minho. He was holding Alby up like he was hurt and trying to drag him to the doors. 'Oh my god IT'S ALBY AND MINHO LOOK!." Everyone saw that I was right it was them. Minho looked like he was really struggling. To be far Alby was a huge man so I am not surprised one bit. Chuck was getting really panicked. "What if they don't make it, the doors are going to close really soon". I knew that chuck was right but didn't want to make the others nervous and panicky so I didn't show it or say a word. "MINHO COME ON YOU CAN DO IT, Your NEARLY THERE!." I was bent over screaming at him to encourage him. I looked at Newt and he was was looking at them weirdly. "I think Alby is hurt because Minho is carrying him" I looked more closely and realised Newt was right, I knew Alby was hurt and was struggling to hold him, Minho was carrying Alby and I knew that was going to slow them down. So now i was panicking "Guys he is not going to make it, Alby is slowing him down, WHAT DO WE DO!." Gally looked at me and rolled his eyes "AMELIA WILL U SHUT UP AND STOP SHOUTING! ,IT IS NOT GOING TO HELP THIS SITUATION, JUST STOP SHOUTING AND STAY CALM."" I looked at him annoyed "okay whatever". Gally was bent down next shouting "Minho leave him and get over here now, he can't be saved, one loss is better then two, hurry!." I could not believe what he was saying. I looked at Minho and he was not dropping Alby. He wasn't giving up. This was going to end badly I could tell.

I notice Thomas, Gally and Newt are on their hunkers looking to see what will happen. I was really worried that they wouldn't make it then I realised something "Hey emmmmmmm Newt aren't the doors going to close like really really soon??" Newt looked at me and realised I was right yet again." There not going to make it unless Minho either hurries up with Alby which isn't possible or he leaves Alby behind. Which will be a difficult choice but it would save himself. "MINHO COME ON HURRY UP THE DOORS ARE GOING TO CLOTHES SOON, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT COME ON!. YOUR A FAST RUNNER COME ON!!" I could tell by looking at Minho he was really trying but it was not fast enough and he was wrecked as there was sweat all down his face. I was just about to ask Newt and Gally what we were going to do when we all heard this loud noise and I realised the doors were going to close very fast. I got up and went closer to the door getting really worried as I cared for Minho and didn't want what happend to Ben to happen to him so I screamed. "MINHO COME ON FRICKEN LEAVE HIM I KNOW IT WILL BE HARD To DO BUT YOU HAVE TO PLEASE YOU CAN DO IT, THE DOORS ARE GOING TO CLOSE COME ON HURRY HURRY! RUNNNNNNNN!". The doors were moving closer together and I could feel my heart racing. I turned to Newt and he looked at me worried and upset. "Amelia he is not going to make it and we cant go in im sorry we have to leave him, if we go in that's another person gone, we can't afford that." I looked at him and rolled my eyes" Obviously they wouldn't care just like they didn't care about Ben just typical. "Is this another one of your stupid rules? HUH! your just going to leave two of them in there because you can't go in?, WHAT IF HE DIES OR GET'S REALLY HURT THEN WHAT?". Gally came up to my face "Don't even think about starting another fight Amelia or disagree with us or I swear to god I will have you in the slammer again but this time for longer much longer trust me on that and you know I can make it happen". I could not believe this it was ridiculous. There is something wrong with these boys and I don't like it. We can not just leave them there and not help them not like Ben.

I turned around and the doors were nearly together and I saw Minho had dropped alby and he looked like he was breathing fast " I was not going to let them two stay in there and possibly die like what happened before no way. Just as the doors were about to close I knew I could still for in the gap, well I hope I could or I would be crushed but at least it would be over fast."I'm sorry guys!." I took a deep breath and made a run for it. I could feel that two of the boys tried to grab me and I knew straight away it was Thomas and Newt as I heard them both scream " AMELIA NOOOOOO Don't DO THIS YOUR GONNA DIE IF YOU GO IN THERE OR never come back!". I looked back and said quietly "Im sorry guys I have to do this". I got through and hear the doors close behind ,me and I knew I couldn't change my mind now. My heart was racing too. I could feel my heart racing and I was breathing fast as I knew what lurked in this maze so I had to admit I was quite scared no I was actually petrified. I turned my head around really fast and I saw Minho sitting against the wall breathing fast. I ran over to him "Minho are you ok??!" What happened in here that took you so long and what the hell is wrong with Alby not that I'm not happy to see him in a little pain??!" He looked at me and looked quite angry "Amelia why did you do that?, you have just risked your own life, you know how dangerous it is in here you could get seriously hurt, I already have Alby to look after." I knew he was right and I had just put myself in danger but I just couldn't leave him like we all did with Ben I could not do that. " Minho I know what I have done but I couldn't leave you, You dont deserve to die, you don't deserve what happened to Ben". He looked at me and gave me a smirk. " I always knew you had guts miss jones, let's just hope you survive to tell the story". I let out a little laugh " HAHAHAHAHA! very funny Minho, Now tell me what happened to Alby?!" Minho looked at me with a sad face. "We were looking in the maze as usual but then we heard some grievers and saw them coming for us really fast. There was way too many, Alby tried to attack one but it hit him and he's hurt his head and leg, Its all my fault I should have never let him come, he's not even a runner he wasn't trained, he is only our boss I'm such an idiot". I went close to Minho "HEYYYYYYY! Minho its not your fault its anything but your fault hun, You did not know that grievers were going to come and attack you, Don't be so hard on yourself and stop blaming yourself shit happens sometimes that we can't control and it sucking sucks but it's not your fault." Minho looked at me and gave me a smile " I will try not to Amelia I will try my best and you better not die on me either or I know Newt will kills me". I could feel my face go so red again just typical.

I turned around and looked at alby. I could see a gash on his head and saw his ankle was very bruised. It didn't look broken thank god but it did look painful and definitely something that needs a lot of healing. I knew his head was bleeding and needed something on it to stop the bleeding or it could get worse." I looked at Minho. "Hey Minho do you have a piece of cloth or anything I could borrow?, I need to stop the bleeding on his head". I looked at Minho and saw he was taking of his bandana and he handed it to me " Here I hope this will help if it doesn't I'm sorry". I looked at him and smiled " It will thanks so much, you know you are very handsome Minho and I hope you know that". I walked over to Alby and put my hand softly on his cheek. I think I made Minho blush, ehhh who cares you only live once. "Alby hey what i am going to do now is going to hurt a lot but it's going to help you because you have a nasty gash on your head which can be dangerous, Luckily you are going to be fine". I knew he couldn't hear me but I still wanted to let him know. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second.

I started to wrap the bandana around his head and tightly to stop the bleeding.i could hear him grunt in pain but it has to be done or he could get a brain injury and we don't need that. After it was tied and made sure he was okay I went and sat on the wall beside Minho and looked at him "Alby will be fine don't................." I could hear screeching and loud noises. I knew it was the grievers. I could feel my heart racing and my breathing getting faster. I could feel a hand quickly go on my shoulder I knew it was Minho." For once it isn't on my mouth. Thank god. Heyyyyy Amelia woah focus on my voice your okay there far away, as long as we stay quiet we are okay, Come on breath in and out nice and slowly, Innnnnn.............. outtttttttttt..............innnnnnnnnn...............outttttttttt" I could feel him holding me into him to help keep me calm and I was shaking so bad. At that moment I knew I was................ Terrified.

Being held in Minho's arms was very comforting though. I really tried to stay quiet. "Minho what are we going to do?, The doors are there but like are we going to wait here and be quiet until they open or do we hide somewhere?, I'm really scared, I thought I was brave but I think right now I have overstepped my boundaries and I made a mistake!." My hands were starting to shake and I wish I never came in here. I felt the arms around me tighten "Hey Hey, we will get out of here I promise, we just need to play it cool and stay quiet and we should be okay, I will get you and Alby both out of here I promise okay?." I touched his arms "I believe you Minho, let's do this, mission get out of the shucking maze." I heard him laugh behinf me quietly. A bit of humour is good right?

That',s the end of that chapter. Hope u enjoy! :) Let me know what you think. Will Minho and Amelia make it out safe with Alby alive?

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