The Tour Part 2 And Meeting Thomas

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It was the next day and I was sleeping very peacefully. The bed I was in was unbelievably cozy and I just decided right now I never wanted to get out. Well if I can I would love to stay in it all day. "Ugh so bloody cozy". I moved to lie straight on my back and look at the ceiling. I really liked it because you could see the sky. It was like a little part of the roof with a window. Was so pretty and peaceful. I was beginning to feel a little upset as I remembered I was hoping I might have a dream about anything or something of my old life. I mean even if it was someone or some words, names even, but nothing was coming. Yet again as usual it was all blank. I mean even if I did dream about something, it's not like I would even remember it. I hit the bed in frustration. I was now on my side and I was getting a bit emotional. I can't even remember my parents names or even if I even had parents or a family. It was all starting to get a bit too much for me and I closed my eyes as I really didn't want to cry again. I was at this point really sick of it. It's really embarrassing as well. Sometimes I just really wish this was all a bad dream, and I would wake up and be back at my own home with my family. Sadly I knew that was not going to happen.

I was just about ready to turn to my other side when I could hear voice. When I was half way turned I got a huge fright. There right above me was Newt with a big smirk on his face. "Amelia wake up  Greenie wakey wakey". My heart was racing so much and I bolted up and look at him with a not so happy appearance on my face. I hate getting woken up early as I am not a morning person. I was so pissed of right now and I am going to tell him exactly how I feel. I was standing up and and had my hand pointing at him ready to tell him. "Newt I......".
I then realised he had put his hand over my mouth yet again for the second time. It was starting to become a really bad habit of his. "What happened to freedom of speech". Just when I had said that I realised we are not living in a normal world right now and rolled my eyes. "Of Course obviously".

I looked at him shocked and annoyed with my arms crossed at my waist. He was looking at me and had a stern look on his face. "Had I done something wrong?". "Why did he look so mad?". I looked at him again a little nervous. "HEY!!!!" He said in a really low but stern voice. "You need to Stay really quiet Amelia, unless you can be quiet don't say anything and I mean nothing at all, I don't want to wake the others up and I'm being really serious when I say that." Now I knew why he looked so stern. I now knew he wants me to be quiet so I looked at him and I shake my head to let him know that I understand and once he knows that I understood he  let go his hand from my mouth. Awkward moment over thank god. I let out a deep breath and feel a bit more relaxed.

Newt had moved over to the bedroom door and then turned around to look at me. I started to put my shoes on and a jumper or something to keep me warm. "Ok Amelia listen to me very carefully!!". I stopped what I was doing which was trying my shoes and I looked up at him, he still looked very stern, I was a little worried now. "Are you okay?, What's wrong?". I got no answer and I knew then to keep quiet. "Alby asked me to show you something important before everyone wakes up, everyone has been shown this when they first got here, so lets go, everyone will be waking up soon and I need to have this done.". I look at him strangely wondering where he was taking me that the others couldn't be awake for it. I was starting to get suspicious and anxious. Not a good combo for me at all. "I wonder where he wants to take me when everyone else is asleep and it's still dark, why is he so stern." I have my jumped on because I know it will be chilly and I run up quietly to catch up with him and I then begin to follow him out the door for the second time. I wrapped my jumper around me and zipped it up.

We both walked out the door and I was right it was freezing cold. I was nearly shaking,but my jumper was helping a lot. Thank god I had remembered my jumper. We walked for a little bit around all the cottages. When I looked up I saw we were going over to the Maze. I was starting to get a little afraid. "Was I being banished did I break a rule, what's going on". I could see my breath coming out in smoke as it was so cold. My breathing began to pick up as I was getting scared and I don't understand where I am going. I could hear my breathing coming out in short gasps and it wasn't a nice feeling at all. My hands were also shaking. I considered putting them in my pockets but before I did I felt other hands around my hands. I realise it was Newt and I look at him. "What is going on Newt?, Why are we going to the Maze, I'm getting scared, did I do something wrong?,am I being banished?". Before I could freak out anymore he grabbed my hands tightly and stared deeply into my eyes and came really close to my face. "Amelia listen to me you did nothing wrong, stop panicking and trust me okay?, I am just showing what Alby told me to show you I promise." I grab his hands tightly and nod slowly. "You really need to stop panicking so much , I promised you that you were safe here, so please believe me when I tell you that, plus I would't let anything happen to you." I grab his hands tighter to let him know that I was listening and trusted him. He begins to continue walking towards the Maze while holding my hands. I take deep breath and follow him. I really hope this was nothing bad I really hoped.

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