My True Feelings!

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I was waking up slowly while blinking my eyes and I felt soft grass under my hands. I opened my eyes and realised I was still where I was last night, sitting on the rock. "Ohhhhhhh god I am wrecked  and so sore". God my ass is numb. I got myself up and started walking back to where everyone else was still working. I saw Gally working and couldn't help but laugh because he looked so angry and I could tell he was muttering to himself too.  I so wanted to annoy him but I stopped myself. I am not a bitch unless I have to be. I walked past all the workers and headed towards Fry Cook as I was feeling really hungry again more like ravished. As I was heading there I saw Thomas and Newt talking together in the corner and so I decided to walk up to them to see what they were discussing. I could hear exactly what they were saying now. "Thomas Alby isn't looking so good that scratch from the griever is looking a lot worse. "What are we supposed to do there is no cure that we know of" "I know that Thomas but were going to have to think of what to do if he get's worse or possibly dies". I walked up to them "Guys what are you saying about Alby , Is he worse?? Is he okay". Thomas looked over at me and Newt was to now. "Amelia he is not looking good or any better, the scratch is much worse almost infected, none of the herbs are working either, we need to be prepared for the worst, we need to know what we are going to do it he does get worse or dies". I felt really bad and blamed myself I should have looked after him better. I was also a disobedient bitch to him so often. I tired to hide it but it was no use. I could feel tears coming down my eyes "This is all my fault guys, I should have done better, I should have tried to help in the maze or stopped him from going in, he was so pissed of with me". I couldn't help but feel so upset. Newt walked up to me fast,"Amelia you can't blame yourself, this was not your fault you.........". I looked over at him angrily shouted "STOPPPPPPP!!!!!". I turned around and left them both I really did feel awful this was all my fault. I should have been able to help him or at least be a better person around the Glade with helping. I feel so utterly useless right now. "Bad things I guess always happen to me right."

I walked very fast away from them both and ran to my room to get away from anyone's sight, I didn't want anyone to see me like this with tears streaming down my face. I could hear Chuck screaming at me "OH MY GOD! AMELIA! What's WRONG! , ARE U OKAY!, Did something happen?!" .I completely ignored him and kept walking to my room I just felt so awful right now and I did not want to talk to anyone. I feel like everything bad continues to only happen to me and no one else. I will never understand that.

I got to the door of my room went inside. With all my strength I slammed it shut. I went over to the bed lay down. I burst out crying  just let all my emotions out. I did not care at all who heard me I was just so upset. Everything was just really getting to me.

I was lying down for a long while crying and thinking. I heard the door open and I was annoyed I just wanted to be left alone. "Who ever that is PLEASE I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE GO AWAYYYYYY....!!!!". I could still tell whoever was there was still there and I felt the bed shift down. "Amelia I am not going to leave you until you are happy and smiling again". I could feel butterflies in my stomach when I heard who it was. I turned around and he gave me little smirk "Why are you here Newt?". I saw him smile at me "I'm worried about you Amelia" ,you have to know that what happened to Alby was not your fault at all, I mean he got SHUCKING SCRATCHED!!! before you went into that maze and you were in the Slammer so tell me how is that your shucking fault??". I felt so angry and shouted in his face "IT WAS ALL MY FAULT NEWT, MAYBE IF I DIDN'T GO INTO THE MAZE MINHO MIGHT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO HELP HIM, I SLOWED THEM DOWN, I CAME UP WITH THE IDEA TO HELP HIM AND IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!!!!, ALL OF IT!."

I could tell Newt was angry with me as he came closer to me. "AMELIA STOP THIS RIGHT NOW IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT YES WHAT HAPPENED WAS AWFUL BUT YOU NEED TO SHUCKIN GROW UP AND STOP BLAMING YOURSELF IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT SO STOP BLAMING YOURSELF!!". I COULD FEEL MY BREATH HITCHING UP AND IT WAS GOING FASTER "you know what Newt..... GET OUT NOW GET OUT RIGHT NOW.....!!! I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU GO AWAY!!!!". He looked at me with a bit of a sad face "I will go Amelia but you have to stop this it wasn't your fault". I could see him leaving.

I felt so bad I really did and when I saw him at the door I got up really fast "NEWT........!!!!!" I ran up to him when he turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and put my lips on his. "OMG!!! this is amazing". The feel of his lips on mine felt so good I was in heaven. I could feel him making the kiss deeper and I enjoyed it. I felt him put his hands under my shirt and move them up It felt so good I let out a little moan. "Ohhhhh Newt that feels so good please don't let me go". I could feel him go up higher and he whispered in my ear "I have been waiting for this for so long Amelia , I love you so shucking much". I started to put a smile on my face and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he walked me over to his bed and lay me down. My heart was hammering in my chest and I was thinking to myself "I hope this never stops". I am in heaven.

I could feel him go in between my legs and lie over me it felt so good. he bent his head down and began to kiss my neck and move his hand up and down my waist and it felt amazing. "OH MY GOD!!" and I heard him smirk and I was just so happy rite now and felt so good I didn't care what he done.

All I can say for now is what happened the rest of the night I won't say but it was amazing and all I can say after that is.

"I know who my true feelings lie with...."

"I love Newt...."

I hope you all liked that it took me so long to come up with this Idea if u could help me with a new chapter it would really help im quite stuck at the moment :( hope u liked comment and like :)

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