Thomas Explains Why He Did It And What He Saw!!!

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It was the next day and I was beginning to wonder why Thomas still had not woken up yet. I was starting to really worry about him. I do wonder though if he has seen something from the Griever Poison or if he's still seeing it and maybe that's why he is still unconscious. All these thoughts are going through my head and making me way more worried about all of this.For some reason all the Grievers have gone back into the maze and a lot of them are dead. Right after Thomas Stabbed himself with the poison it's like they just stopped what they were and doing and were called back into the maze. Honestly none of what has happened today makes any sense and it really concerns me. I stared over at what Thomas used to stab himself and inject it into his stomach. For some reason I wanted to go over and look at it like it was calling me. "Really weird!." Standing up I walked over to where it was and picked it up. Staring at it I began to think. "What if I took the poison as well, maybe I could remember everything from before like who my family was, where I am from and maybe what part I am in all of this that's happening, It seems so easy yet so dangerous at the same time, is it really worth the risk?." I pulled it closer to my face and I was really tempted to do it, just as I was about to stab it in my arm I threw it at the wall and it smashed. "No I am not doing anything where it will risk myself of others, shuck that!." I sat beside Thomas Again holding his hands and took a deep breath.

I was sitting beside Thomas while he was in bed breathing but not awake still. If he was seeing memories, I wonder what he was seeing?. I was holding his hand tightly wishing he would wake up. "Thomas I know you can hear me and I know you were not in the elevator with me, but I feel like I have known you much longer, I don't know why I feel like this, it's really weird and confusing but it's like I have known you before we even got here and it's making me confused now too!, I would really like to know why I think I know you but it would explain why I feel so protective of you and why I got so upset when I saw you holding the poison and about to stab yourself, I really hope you find out in your memories so you can tell me exactly why I am feeling this way!." I was rubbing my temple with frustration. I just wish he would wake up. "WHY DO THINGS HAVE TO BE SO COMPLICATED, WHY CANT THEY BE EASY I MEAN SERIOUSLY, GAHHHH!!!!!!,." I just felt like crying it was really bothering me right now. I was about to get up and wash my hands as they still had a bit of Thomas's blood on them and it was annoying me and making me feel a bit sick. I nearly felt like vomiting, but I won't as that's embarrassing. I felt a hand on my shoulder. My heart jumped and I turned around fast. "Jesus Christ.!" My heart jumped it was Newt and Minho. "What are you guys doing here, you frightened the shuck out of me!." Minho let a little laugh out. "HaHaHa... Well we are sorry we gave you a fright but we both decided to come up here and try to get you out of the room, well mostly Newt as he didn't think that it would work with just him so he asked me to come to hopefully to persuade you obviously.!" I looked at Newt and gave a little smirk. "Ha you thought you couldn't get me out of the room so you brought Minho as back up really? Wow!". Newt gave me a look "seriously Amelia you need to get out you have not had anything to eat all day, I promise he will be checked up on and looked after during the day okay, I promise you." I looked at them both and decided it would be a good idea as it was very stuffy in this room ",Poor Thomas!."and I was also extremely hungry. "Okay I will go out and get some food and fresh air......, thank you both so much for caring for me it really means a lot and is sweet" Minho and Newt slowly walked up to me and both gave me a hug. "No worries your important to everyone especially me, now go out there relax, eat and maybe some sleep now scram!." I rolled my eyes at him. He cares way too much.

I gave a little laugh and began to tie my hair up neatly and walked out the door. It was a really warm and the sun was shining. Some of the boys were out working and others must be doing other things. "I wonder where Theresa was?." She was probably on a walk or talking to someone. I began to walk down the stairs and I saw Chuck swinging on his swing he made himself. I think the swing was adorable and would definitely love to have a go on it sometime. I walked over to him. "Hey Chuck what are you up to?,I really love the swing you made." He looked up at me and looked a little scared. "ohhhh....hi are you? Yeah I made the swing myself from wood and rope I found, it's my favourite thing here." I looked at him confused and a little worried. something was up and I was going to find out what. "Chuck hun are you okay? don't look yourself what's wrong?... you can tell me I won't tell anyone I promise and your name will not be brought up!., I swear to you, you can trust me you know that." He looked at me with scared eyes. "Do you promise me you won't bring my name up?." I went down to my knees and grabbed his hands tightly but not too tight that they will hurt and looked in his eyes deeply with a smile. " I promise no I swear to you I will not tell anyone you told me anything or mention your name...please tell me sweetheart!." He looked at me with sad eyes and took a big sigh. "hmmmmmm!, I was getting really suspicious now!?"" "Gally is planning something big and it involves a few certain people but I'm not giving names because I promise I wouldn't and because  He swore if I told anyone about what he said or the names he would hurt me bad." I was beginning to fume from what I heard this was unbelievable "Gally was up to his usual shucking business, accusing people!!!!." "Chuck listen to me, you stay on this swing and dont follow me okay?.... you will be safe I promise hun and I will not mention your name!.STAY HERE!.!.". I saw him nod his head. I stood up and just before I walked away Chuck jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug. I smiled at him. "God I really loved this kid, he had such a big heart.!" "Thanks so much Amelia and please be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you.!" I gave a little laugh. "You are so welcome Chuck and Don't worry I am stronger than I look,.now promise me you will stay here on your swing and have fun okay? will be fine....!. And don't be bothered by what you hear okay?, Your a good kid Chuck!." He smiled at me and I turned around to head off. "I really hope he listens to me and stays where he is!."

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