Confusing Moment And A Panic.

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I wake up and it's completely dark. I cant see a thing. All I know is that I am sitting on a really cold floor!. I begin to feel around and all it feels like is metal.

I begin to panic and get up. I start walking around while hitting the wall. I suddenly stop and realise that I can't remember anything!. My mind is completely blank!. I try to remember my name and suddenly it comes to me AMELIA!!---- my names Amelia!. "Well that's a good start I guess". I then begin to really try to remember anything else about myself, but nothing came nothing at all. I cant remember anything!.

Just when I am about to get up again the room suddenly jerks and I can feel it moving up!!!. I begin to freak out as it's going really fast. "Amelia relax its just an elevator, I mean what else could it be a moving room haha". I begin to loose it and start hitting the wall screaming "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME ANYONE!" "please help me". No one answers me and I begin to cry. I can feel the elevator stop with a jerk and I can hear a noise above me. I look up and I can see a light beginning to seep through the roof and I can hear voices.

The roof comes off and I begin to squint because of the bright light. I hear someone jump down and he has a british accent. "shuck guys you ain't going to believe this" another guy says "just tell us what you see" the first guy speaks again "Its a girl"

I begin to stand up and when I see all the guys I start to panic and move back against the wall. The british guy comes up to me slowly and says "Hey we are not going to hurt you at all love, trust me you are safe. "Do you want to come out of the elevator with me?". I begin to wonder if I should trust them but then again I would rather be up there instead of this horrible room. "Ya thanks". He holds his hand out to me and helps me up out of the metal room or elevator. While he is giving me a boost I can't help but blush as he is very good looking and he smirks back at me. "Are you going to climb up or keep staring at me". I could feel my face going red  again and started to climb up fast. It was very high so I really had to stretch up high to reach it. I still couldn't touch the top and I felt so embarrassed. I looked down at the guy helping me up by standing on his hands he was holding up for me. "I can't reach,I'm nearly there though". He looked up at me and didn't say anything. I didn't know what was going to happen. "Look I have an idea, climb up onto my shoulders and you will be a bit higher then Gally will grab your hands and pull you up". I was a little hesitant as I knew I wasn't the lightest person and I didn't want to hurt him. "Are you sure you can hold me?, I don't want to hurt you!". The boys all around us began to laugh. "Look, it's either you go up on my shoulders and we get you up, or you will have to stay down here and these boys will stay watching and looking at you, trust me they will do that". In a blink of an eye I began to climb on his shoulders and stand up. I was able to see him smirking at me. I rolled my eyes. Reaching up I stretched my hands further so I could get a bit closer to the edge. Just as I was nearly up at the edge, I felt Gally grab my hand roughly and pull me up. It happened so fast and I then land on grass before I knew it.

When I eventually get up as Gally was rough with me, I had landed on the floor. I begin to start hyperventilating and panicking, because while I am looking around we are surrounded by huge walls and I mean huge walls, and around 40 boys. That's when freak out. I begin to feel my legs turning wobbly and my head spins. I mean everything around me was spinning, and I fall on the floor and begin to feel tears fall down my eyes,which eventually turns into a full blown tear fest. "Wake up Amelia this is a dream WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!" I begin to grab my hair and scream out and it's very hard for me to get out of these freak outs."WHY AM I HERE" "why cant I remember anything!!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" while I stop crying and continue to just breath fast, I feel someone crouch infront of me. "Hey girl your going to be fine, all of us have gone through this and we are all here for you and will help get you through this!". "Just breath in and out nice and slow okay just keep doing that your okay and you are safe all rite". "The names Newt by the way " I feel really unfocused and my breathing is not getting any better. Everything is still spinning. This is just all so confusing, not being able to remember anything doesn't help my situation either. "This is all so confusing, where and what the hell is this place and why do I seem to be THE ONLY GIRL!!!!!?". I was pacing up and down trying to wrap my head around this whole situation. It wasn't helping my emotions one bit.

I turned around and started to walk the few steps back to Newt. I had my head down still breathing a little fast paced. I was about to lift my head up but just before I did, I felt him grab my chin to look up to him. "Just focus on my eyes ok just breath in and out nice and slow ur going to be fine okay?" I start to blush yet again as I am so embarrassed. Not just embarrassed but I also find Newt very attractive looking and I loved his British accent. I was finding it very hard to listen to him as this whole situation I was in was impossible to understand. I looked at him. "How can I calm down!!!? I am in a place I don't know or have any clue where I am!!!, I woke up not remembering anything at all only my name in a damn stinky wet elevator!!!, and now I am surrounded by 50 boys, how can I stay!!-"

The rest of my sentence was cut of by his hand over my mouth. "relax Girl ok deep breaths" he suddenly hugs me and I begin to relax a little bit. "where am I???". "You my friend are at the glade". I move away from him and look around the whole area we were currently standing in. Big huge tall walls Surrounded us. Impossible to climb over. There was these hut things which I presumed the boys lived in. I look back at Newt. "What's a Glade". I hear all the boys around me laughing. "How does she not realise where she is standing right now is the Glade?, Honestly girl's are so clueless", I heard one of the boys standing around us say that and I looked directly at him. "So what!, When you got here in this elevator you remembered everything about your bloody self and knew what the Glad was huh?!!" The boy I was speaking to looked at me shocked, "ehhhhh nooo, I was in the exact same situation as you". I rolled my eyes at him "Exactly so keep your shucking mouth closed". He looked at me and turned around. "You know you are going to have to learn to get a long with everyone here or things will just be harder for you,as you will see everyone everyday" Nodding my head at him I asked him again "what is this so called Glade?". "A Glade is what we call where we are standing right now, all the walls surrounding us and all of what's inside the wall, that is what the Glade is". I look at him weirdly but I understand what he is saying.

"Okay so this place is called the Glade, I get it now". They all look at me strangely and the guy I know as I think Gally comes up to me. "So are you okay now?, You understand where you are and what the Glade is and aren't confused anymore,? Or are you still freaking out?". I turn around to look at him. I put my thumb up and smile at him. " I am perfectly fine,nothing is wrong with me, I am completely relaxed and happy,". He looked over at Newt "Ya Newt she's not ok, I think she is still in a bit of shock" I could hear Newt laugh a little. "I don't blame her,poor girl wakes up not knowing her name, in a strange place all full of boys, who could blame her for that reaction". Another boy walked over "I thought girls would be happy to be stuck in a place with just guys". "In your dreams mate" I heard Gally say. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was starting to panic again. I could just feel it coming up. I wanted to remember everything but I just couldn't. I tried and tried really hard to remember, but it was all blank, completely blank. Why did this have to happen to me. I mean where was I going to sleep? Would I have my own room or would I have to sleep with all the boys, where will I shower?. Where would I get changed or use the bathroom. I could feel a really bad headache coming on and I felt really dizzy, everything was spinning really fast again. I couldn't focus on anyone or anything as it was so bad. I turned around and could see Newt about to say something to me. "Are you okay, you look really pale!?". I couldn't hear any of what he said. It was all mumbled. I gave him a weird look "w........w.....what did you s..s..say??" but I don't hear anything else from him or see anything else as I could feel myself falling and everything goes black!!

The last thing I think I heard was "ohhhhh god is she okay, AMELIA!!!!!".

That's that chapter over. I really hope you enjoyed it. I also hope you will read on.

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