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"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."


"Hey, are you alright?!"

My eyes shifted to the one who pulled me behind himself. His fists clenched tightly as he didn't bother to listen to me even if I answered.

"Damn, am I too late?"

So, will they not be saved after all? If only I did something. Anything.


I breathed. That counts.

And just as i finished my thoughts Yūji had come busting right through the window. My eyes widening at his sudden appearance. Honestly, he shows up when you least expect him too.

His arms had wrapped around Sasaki easily. His strength easily pulling the girl away from the curse that was about to swallow her whole. And once she was safe, I watched as the other guy who had saved me summon two divine dogs. One was black, the other white. Which was when he sent them to go and eat the curse. It was quite the disgusting sight...Though, it was good to see that Iguchi was still alive from within that thing...

"Normally, I'd be pissed...but good job," he said as he walked over to Yūji. My own body getting up from the floor as I made my way to the four. Iguchi was passed put along with Sasaki. Yūji still held her in his arms as I went to stand next to them.

"Why're you acting all high and mighty," Yūji fired back as he watched us walk over to him. His eyes brightening slightly to see me there as well. Safe. Well, in a sense I felt safe.

"By the way, what are those things eating the curse?"

"They're my shikigami. You can see them," theur focus was only on each other as I looked to the shikigami. I already knew that they were his divine dogs, but I honestly don't feel like revealing all that I know. I mean, why would I want Yūji to know how much of a familiar I am?

"Normally, you can't see curses. The exception being placed in a near death situation, or at a special place e like this."

"Oh, now that you mention it, I've never seen a ghost before."


I merely continued to stay quiet. My parents were always sure that I could do everything and anything. Well, until they realized...

"You're not scared?"

"Well, i was...you know, people actually die."


I frowned at this. His grandpa must have-

"So I figured that for the people i know...if they have to die, then I want them to do so in the best way possible."

"I don't really get it though."

"Ugh...no. I get it."

I understand it to Yūji. You really are a good person.

And as he finally turned to me to say something, something had fallen out of Sasaki's pocket. My blood running cold when I saw that it was a finger. Yūji immediately going to pick it right back up from the floor.

"This is..."

"It's the special grade cursed object: ryomen sukuna."

I've only ever read about Ryomen Sukuna in the many books I was forced to read. So, actually seeing a part of him, a finger no less, in person is kind of unsettling. Makes you realize that such a curse exists.


"Forget it," he said as he sighed lightly at Yūji's failed attempt to understand the situation that we were in.

Then, the unknown boy finally gave me a look, "you and these three should get to safety, and I'll be taking the cursed object."

"I'll listen if you'll at least tell me your name," I finally said. It felt like forever since I got a speaking part...

"Fushiguro Megumi-"

"Nice to meet ya! I'm (Name) (Surname), and I'll be sticking with Yūji."

"That reminds me! Why were you at the school, (Name)," asked Yūji as we both ignored the one called Fushiguro. Sasaki still unconscious and the finger still in Yūji's hand.

"Oh. That? I went to sleep in the council room."

Then, all hell broke loose once again as Fushiguro pushed us out of the way. The ceiling coming right down on all of us as a new curse appeared. Yūji was quick to set Sasaki down by Iguchi against a wall as we all stared down our new (unwanted) company.

Maybe I can actually do something this time.

I mean, my parents can't haunt me forever, right?

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