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I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.


God, to actually be there when i actually die..., so i suppose, I would much rather not be aware of my death. To be asleep, maybe?

These thoughts continued to roam inside of my head. My memories bringing me to a time when I was younger. Before my parents abandoned me on the side of the road. Before I was called a mistake. Before I met Yūji at a park where he came up to me, and gave me a home. All while I gripped at Sukuna's shirt.

_ from back then _

"Mom, look!"

I showed her what I could do with my cursed energy. A smile etching across her face as she praised me. My father smiling in the kitchen as he listened. His hands deftly making our dinner.

"You're doing great, (Name)! My beautiful and talented little child," she said happily as she easily picked me up into her arms.

Unconditional love.

This is what I wanted, right?

To show that I could be good.

And that was when my dad called us to the table, dinner was ready as it always was. As it should be. This was normalcy.


After dinner...

Their was always something I was told to do.

Had to do.

My parents told me to, so I had to, right?

So, after we all ate, my father had gotten up from his chair and had come over to me. His arms easily picking me up as I laughed. My mom going to clean the dishes as she smiled at us two.



That is was I demanded.

That is what I expected.

That is what all the other kids my age got, so why can't I have that too?

And while mom was doing that, I was brought to a dark room that was immediately lit up with bright light once my dad took us both in. The door shutting closed tightly.

His arms immediately dropping me. My body falling and hitting the floor as I sighed. His hand showing me forward as I huffed.

The happy family facade finally disappearing as I sat in the middle of the room. Books among books over the King of Curses surrounded me.


My parents were highly established sorcerers. They were among the best. Not quite as good as Gojo Satoru, but still good. So, when they had me, they were excited. Happy. Thrilled. They were everything that a parent should be.

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