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Crash the car, wait till we die


It was easy for y/n as she traversed the streets. Curses were easy. Life was easy. Dealing with people was easy. She would simply change their souls. Change their minds. Make them leave. Make them die.

She didn't have to touch them. She didn't have to look at them. She didn't have to know them.

She just had to talk to them. She didn't have to be specific either. She could simply just start talking while projecting her own soul onto them, forcing them to change without them even realizing it.

Because she didn't care for them...

They weren't Megumi and they weren't Yūji.

So dealing with them was easy. Easy. Easy ...


She let out a sigh as she finally reached the destination she was looking for. Her eyes staring up at a tall skyscraper. A building taller than all the other skyscrapers that littered about the city. Her eyes narrowing up as she noticed the dark clouds.

It's probably going to rain.

She stuffed her hands into the depths of the pockets. Her fingers gently playing with the slip of paper that Megumi managed to give her before she changed his soul completely. She wondered if he knew that she wouldn't accept his proposal of running away together.

She wished she accepted, but ... much like how he had a job to protect people ... she had a job too.

Granted, this job sucked ass, but oh well. Things come up. The world turns to shit. Antagonists rise. People find out how truly useless they are.

Nothing changes.

Nothing ever changes.

Because people don't have hearts.

Ah right, she still regrets that part of her life.

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