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i think i fell in love with you.


the past pt. 1

She was ten or so. Her fingers pulling out strands of grass from the dirt as she brought her knees up to her chest. Her other hand resting on her knee. Her bare feet dirty and muddy. Her parents tell her to go play outside, but there really isn't anything to do. She never got any toys or a bike. And she wasn't allowed to have any friends...not that she could make any on her own.

Anyway, the only reason why she was out here was because someone super important was in there. He had silver hair. Black glasses.

His eyes stole her breath away when she caught a glance at them.

If he had a best friend, then she knew he would be the pretty one out of the two.

She was told to go outside.

Her parents looked happy. She saw that expression before, but the excitement never once was directed at her. It meant that this person was strong, and they were happy. Happy that they didn't have to be in her presence anymore. They now had a reason to push her away for the day.

'my parents are annoying.'

her focus was back onto the ground.

'If I get on his good side, then maybe my parents will treat me better.'

"What on earth are you doing out here? Is pulling grass out fun for you?"

There he was, sitting down beside her. He was fast. Quiet. She didn't even notice that he was there. It sickened her.

'am I really that weak?'

But whatever, this was her chance, wasn't it? To get on his good side. To tell a few words that he would want to hear.

So, she did.

But the result wasn't satisfactory.

His lips turned down. His eyes slightly narrowed.

She failed.

Nothing new there.

He reached out to her. Her eyes shutting tight, but all she did was find a hand on top of her head, "that analyzing thing is going to become a nasty habit of yours, so be sure to at least find one true friend while you grow up."


He wouldn't stop patting her head.

"Then why don't you be my friend?"

"Afraid I can't do that. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're going to hate me greatly later on."


"Well, for one thing ... I can't exactly treat you as an friend or even as an ally so long as your parents are still around."

"Makes sense."

'not really, but i'll act like it does.'

He ruffled her hair one more time, "so, do me a favor?"


"When I call you weak, or bring you down, or just plain rude to you...just know that it's all for show."

"a show, huh?"

"Of course, you're parents are quiet annoying just like the higher-ups at jujutsu tech. In fact, I hate them all quite equally. But you? I think, I think I can save you. Granted, your parents will probably abandon you."

"Parents? Never had them."

Her words bit at him slightly.

"It'll be alright y/n."

"Why do you sound so sure?"

"Because I'm the strongest."

"Even the strongest can lie."

"You little brat."

She finally smiled.

Though, she wouldn't smile for a long while. At least, until she met Yūji.

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