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all of these monsters in my head, say it's better to be dead ...

... why? why have the monsters even given up on me?


Discoloration. Loss of pigment. No reflection of light. Nothingness. You have sight but no vision. You have purpose but no motivation. You have a terrible mindset but no wish to change it.

Don't go down this path. Move. Wake up.

no ... thank ... you ...

She was floating in an empty space. Her body numb. All she could remember was how Fushiguro looked at her. How Sukuna made her sleep. She could finally close her eyes.

And rest.

"You were supposed to be different. You were supposed to be great. You were supposed to be the daughter the knew everything."

When did it suddenly become her job to be something she wasn't? Stop having such expectations. Their pointless. You should have known that.

Mom. Dad.

And yet—

"And yet here you are. A failure. A mistake. A thing that I wish to misplace."

Please stop.

A human that is able to tear and destroy another's domain by pinpoint accuracy to the soul.

"Isn't it funny that you become the 'never leave you' kinda person after being left behind time after time?"

"Are you sure?"

I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure!

"Here we go!"

"Spirit...spirit...Please reveal an animal that the school council president is weaker than," three voices exclaimed within their club room.


"What?! A fish?!"

What is this? Some happy flashback? These belong to Yūji. I can't remember when I was last happy ...

i'm not the person my parents wanted me to be.

Wasn't that happiness a mere illusion. It sure felt like it was.

isn't it nice?
isn't it nice being someone you're not?

Can I just breathe and said I did something?

Please, if only the world was just that easy.

I shook my head from side to side. My teeth biting the insides of my cheeks as I grew serious.

Stop being so inconsiderate.

Inconsiderate? Don't make me laugh. She, I, you.

We never cared.

"depressed can be read as deep rest. in other words, we are heavily and completely exhausted by the weight of our own identity."


"Yeah," I muttered, "I can't help them-"

He was the only one that mattered.

My parents were highly established sorcerers. They were among the best. Not quite as good as Gojo Satoru, but still good. So, when they had me, they were excited. Happy. Thrilled. They were everything that a parent should be.

They hated Gojo but loved him too.
In reality ...

They wanted him, gojo satoru , to be Sukuna's vessel.

It just made me happy.

Happy to know that those second years could actually be saved.

No it didn't.

I still don't care. I wonder ... you wonder ... we wonder if Yūji saw that?

S—STOP! Let me sleep!

Discoloration. Loss of pigment. No reflection of light. Nothingness. You have sight but no vision. You have purpose but no motivation. You have a terrible mindset but no wish to change it.

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."


"Damn, am I too late?"

You never make it on time. In fact, there wasn't a point in coming in the first place.

So, will they not be saved after all? If only I did something. Anything.

every monster was a person first.

Maybe I can actually do something this time.

I mean, my parents can't haunt me forever, right?


'Cause nothing is ever ok.

Discoloration. Loss of pigment. No reflection of light. Nothingness. You have sight but no vision. You have purpose but no motivation. You have a terrible mindset but no wish to change it.

See? I can remember things. Doesn't that mean I can amount to what you want?


Of course not.

Simply having the information doesn't mean your skills are good. It just means you're smart enough to remember something for a short time.

Discoloration. Loss of pigment. No reflection of light. Nothingness. You have sight but no vision. You have purpose but no motivation. You have a terrible mindset but no wish to change it.

Repeat, repeat, repeat! That's all you ever do!

Stop trying to convince her, me, us that she could actually do something. Memories can't help you here. STOP.

Sink. Beneath. The. World.
Say. Goodbye.
To. Everything.

You can't swim, right?

Let the darkness swallow you up.

"I'm Yūji ... Itadori. U—uhm, you can stay with me and my grandpa if ya want?"

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