fushiguro pt 4

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free yourself.



It had been seven days now. A whole passing by. Y/n still fast asleep.

Fushiguro now had made their secret vase livable. They had a couch, basic necessities, the kitchen was actually clean enough to cook in, he basically turned the abandoned building into the perfect house. Granted, he didn't dare to change the outer appearance. Because one, there wasn't a need to, and two ... damn curses would probably fuck it up. Besides, he didn't need people knowing that this was a safe place to stay. That would just mean y/n being in more danger.

Speaking of y/n ...

She was still sleeping, but this time she was laid up on the couch. Her hands clutching at his jacket. He tried to get it off of her at one point, but she kicked him in the stomach ...

But now?

Her clothes started to smell. I mean, it was alright to wash them, right? Wearing torn and dirty clothes wasn't good, right?

But Fushiguro couldn't just ... take them off. No! That would be wrong.

He closed his eyes as he started to pace about the building. His eyes glancing over to her sleeping form. His lips pressing together as he shook his head furiously from side to side.

No, even if her clothes are gross, taking them off is wrong. An idiot would understand that.

I already feel bad for carrying her all the time, because I should ask permission to touch her—but I can't ask permission because she's fucking sleeping.

He was obviously making a big deal out of this, but he couldn't help it. This was Megumi after all.

He's serious over everything. Even when it comes to respecting women's boundaries.

But then, an idea came to mind. Nodding to himself at his quick thinking, he left to the bathroom that was located in the building. The tub in there was immediately filled to the brim with water. Soap being thrown in next as bubbles were quick to surface.

Then, walking back to where y/n was, he had carefully picked her up. A smug expression on his face as he went back to the bathroom, and without a second thought—he dropped her into the tub (half hoping she would wake up). Though, when it became obvious she wasn't waking up, he sighed. His legs crouching down to the tub as he made sure her head was above the water. His hands working at her clothes to make sure that the got clean. While not touching her ... lady parts ... yeah, let's go with those words.

In the end, he still felt embarrassed, but was glad he figured out a solution to wash her and her clothes along with hus jacket that she still clung to.


How do I dry her?

He could just get a towel, but that would take forever.

He left the bathroom after he lifted her from the tub. Her body leaning against the wall as the tile beneath her got a small pool of soapy water.

"Here it is."

Plugging it in, he aimed the blow-dryer at her. The device set on high.

"God, what am I doing with my life? This is probably the most dumbest thing I have ever done..."

But he did have to admit that she smelled clean now.

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