alternate ending final

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- warnings;; slight mature content ahead , suggestive themes and such -

"i could kiss her all day"


She sat in his lap on the bed. Her legs draped over his sides as she rested her hands on the sides of his face. Her lips pressed against his own.

She grinned against him the moment he raised his hands to fit against her hips. His body moving to get comfortable. Honestly, what was he doing? Does he just kiss her and then they are done? What was he supposed to do after they kiss?

He felt her hips press down,a light huff leaving his lips as she pressed against him. The feeling of her body etching into his memory. He couldn't think properly, that much was for sure.

His fingers dipped underneath the hem of her shirt. His fingers tracing against the (color) skin. He was surprised at how soft it felt. Then again she always seemed like the type to never really get hurt. She was strong. Strong in his mind, at least.

He moved his hands up, his eyes glancing up to meet her heated gaze as he palmed at her breasts that were still covered by her bra.

"something wrong," she asked. Her voice barely above a whisper as she bent down to him.


Honestly, what was wrong with him? He was acting like a total fool, but he couldn't help it. Not when a girl as such as y/n was sitting atop him. Looking down at him with that look in her eyes.

He wanted to kiss her more.

She merely grinned at his response. Her lips pressing against his own once again as her hips pressed down. The friction increasing as he closed his eyes tight.

He loved this feeling. He could dwell in it forever.

He felt her hand caress his throat. His head tilted back as she let her other hand rest against his chest.

Sukuna couldn't take this away from them. Fushiguro won't let him.

This was their world. She was his world.

And this time,

He wasn't letting go.

[ alternate ending ;; fushiguro
megumi━━━━end ]

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