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"yūji ... you thought i was strong ... was that a lie?"


"Why the fuck am I even here?"

"Language y/n."

"Why the fuck am I here?"


The four stood in front of Eishu Juvenile Detention Center. Ijichi stood next to the four as he watched Itadori an y/n bicker to one another about the use of curse words.

He cleared his throat then as he got everyone's attention, "in detention center building two, there are five inmates trapped within. And as of now, a curse womb that can grow and change shape can and probably will turn into something close enough to a special grade."

"I'm still not sure what that special grade thing is all about," Itadori said as y/n elbowed him lightly. Her focus now on Ijichi as well. Said man didn't like the bored look in her eyes but he continued on anyway.

"My idiot's guide," Ijichi started as a chart popped up out of nowhere.

*if traditional weapons were used against curses and we measured their effectiveness as a gauge ...

special grade—carpeting explosives such as a cluster bomb might work

• grade one—even a tank would be useless

• grade two—cutting it close with a shotgun

• grade three—should be good with a pistol

• grade four—easy work with a wooden bat

"Normally a jujutsu sorcerer will be assigned to a curse of similar grade," Fushiguro started, "Gojo—sensei would be called in today, for example."

"And where is that copy cat ninja anyway," y/n asked. Her hand reaching up to scratch the back of her head as Itadori wondered the same thing.

"On a business trip. Honestly, he shouldn't even be wasting his time on a place like Jujutsu Tech."

"And yet he is," mumbled y/n. Her arms crossing over her chest.

"Anyway," Ijichi started once more, "our line of work is always lacking manpower. And being overwhelmed on missions is commonplace. This time, however, is an emergency."

Then why are we standing around? You're the one who said people are trapped in there.

"So do not engage! When confronted with a special grade the options are either to run or die."


"Listen to your fear. Do not forget—your mission is to locate and evacuate  any and all survivors."

"Wait! Excuse me!"


Y/n was the first to turn. Her gaze set on a woman as she waved them over. It was obvious what that woman was going to say before y/n even decided to walk over.

Please! Please save my son!

How boring.

"Is Tadashi ... is my son ok?"


It only took a glance as she noticed Itadori with a worried look on her face. Her teeth biting at the inside of her cheek as she sighed.

Don't make that face Yūji, it makes me want to start giving a damn about others.

Ijichi was quick to block Itadori as y/n snapped out of her thoughts. Her eyes on the weak man as she waited for what excuse he had in his head.

"There's a possibility that poison has been spread throughout the facility. We cannot disclose anymore information at this point in time."

Wow four eyes, wait to crush the woman's hopes.

And as Itadori watched as the woman pressed a hand to her mouth. Silent tears streaming down her face, y/n could only smile at her dear friend. She knew what he was going to say.

"Fushiguro. Kugisaki. We have to save her son."

And, of course, the missing of her name in his sentence. His declaration. Went noticed by her fully.

I'm here too, Yūji.

She decided to worry about it later though, but it still bit at the back of her mind.


a/n;; sorry, sorry. I had to get the whole thing written out, but I got the big event at chapter 19.

still can't wait till I finish writing out that part.

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