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"don't disappoint."


"Why?! Why won't Itadori take control?!"

Fushiguro Megumi was, in short, in a panic. He honestly couldn't fight Sukuna without literally dying. His face was all bloody and he was sure he was going to pass out at any second.

But he couldn't. Not when y/n was still in danger. Not when Itadori was in reach.

"Ah, the brat? Honestly ... I haven't heard his voice at all in my head."

Fushiguro dare to ask. He didn't want to know and he didn't want to talk to Sukuna either.

"Anyway, enough with the chatter ..."

Sukuna finally stopped his taunts. His form immediately appearing next to y/n. Her eyes still shut tight. Her breath even.

"Don't touch her!"

Sukuna merely smirked, his hand reaching out to grab the front of her shirt as he easily brought her up into his arms, "and what exactly are you going to do? Bleed on me?"

Though, to Fushiguro's surprise, Sukuna was right in front of him once again. His eyes dangerous. Calculating.

"Make it interesting, got it?"

Fushiguro couldn't say anything else as y/n was placed in his arms. His eyebrows furrowed as he went to question, but only to be cut off.

"I want to fight you at your best. That potential your hiding is quite annoying. So, I'll let you hold onto her in hopes that you use your strength to protect her, and .... to give me a good fight."

And then Sukuna was gone. Fushiguro holding onto y/n tightly. His arms keeping her close to his chest as he let everything sink in.

He was only—


"Wait. Sukuna just gave me to you?"

"Yes, I think it was because he wanted to give me a purpose to get stronger, so having something to protect in this world would make sense."

"Huh, so in the end ... you were forced to fight and get stronger ... did Sukuna ever give you a time limit?"

"A time limit?"

"Yeah," she started as she shrugged her shoulders. His eyes staring too long at the action as he averted his gaze, "as in, is he just going to show up one day at your front doorstep fully expecting you to be god tier, or something?"

Fushiguro closed his eyes as he scratched the back of his neck, "he honestly didn't say. Because the next thing I knew, the world was in disarray. Jujutsu Tech was actually the first place to be destroyed. Over the next two weeks, all I could do was protect you and find a safe place to hideout. I never ran into Sukuna during that time, but ... I don't doubt the fact that he knows where you and I are."

"I swear, if he comes here while I'm showering, then we are going to have some words."

Fushiguro rolled his eyes as he fixed his sitting position. His elbows rested on his knees as he leaned forward. His gaze focused on the ground. Y/n immediately noted how he looked like Sasuke—

Wait just a damn minute.

If they were in a sort of apocalypse right now, then does that mean her anime won't be recorded every Sunday night anymore?!


She would try to do it herself, but she was a shit artist and couldn't animate anything worth for anything.

Damn, well, there goes the anime industry. Thanks, Sukuna.

"Something on your mind?"

"Just missing anime is all."


"It's nothing ... anyway, how about Gojo and Kugisaki? What happened to them?"

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