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!! warning ;; mature content ahead , suggestive themes and such !!

skip this chapter if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

we were together.
i forgot the rest.


Sukuna had made the perfect tool in the last year. It took some time, but here she was. Her mind fully his own. He broke her down. Made her his. Ruined human society itself just to get her the way she is. Honestly, he couldn't have been more ecstatic. She didn't runaway, fight back, or even refuse him in this perfect world of bloodshed and destruction that he so desired and constructed.


Not to mention he finally had his original form from so long ago. This once human body being constructed into his cursed form. That took time too, but regaining all of his fingers was a major help to that.


His name rolled off her tongue. Her lips curling into a small smile as she held her arms out. A smile on her face. Her eyes bright and full. The monochromatic colors never reaching her vision. Her hate being quelled and defeated the moment that Sukuna gave her purpose. For all her life, it wasn't her parents who gave her purpose, it wasn't Gojo Satoru, and it wasn't Yūji either.

Ryomen Sukuna.

He was the only one whoever even bothered to look at her and make her into something new. The only one who actually tried. Fushiguro was but a mere forgotten memory. He was probably living happily somewhere. Probably.


Sukuna was there in a second. His body in-between her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed. One of his four hands reaching down to grab a firm hold on her chin. Forcefully making her to look up. A smirk was quick to dance across his lips. As he pressed his fingertips into her cheeks, forcing her mouth to open as he raised his other hand. Two fingers pressing deep into her mouth as saliva was quick to gather up.

"Such a good tool for me to use ... always lying pliant in my hands. ready to use anytime I so desire, right y/n?"

She nodded as he grinned. Her hands reaching up to grab his hips. Her fingers running over the exposed skin. He was wearing his usual attire consisting of the white kimono that she loved taking off of him. Though, as of now it hung loosely against his body. his upper half fully exposed as the kimono was still tied tight in the middle. Keeping the bottom half of his body still clothed.

She leaned forward, her lips pressing against his exposed skin. Her eyes slipping close as he reached to grip at her hair. Her hands finallymoving down from his hips and to the knot that held up his kimono on him. Her eyes peeking open to look at him. She decided not to wait for an answer as she untied it. Her body slinking down to the floor.

His clothes fully falling to the floor. Her fingers tracing his thighs as she opened her mouth. Her tongue lightly pressing against his tip. His fingers already knotting up into her hair. His eyes shining dangerously. Honestly, her actions were always enticing. In reality, she was more of a wife than a tool, but he never actually voiced that thought. Mainly because she was still human. He would much rather not dwell on the fact that she could still die like so long ago. Her mouth encased his tip then. Her teeth grazing his length as she tried not to bite down on accident. She did that once, it resulted in him throwing her to the bed and biting down on dripping pussy, blood mixing with the wound. It hurt like a bitch, which was the exact reason why she tried not to bite down on him again.

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