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ah, my monsters are helping me again.


"do you want to know what happened to the brat, Itadori?"

Her attention was immediately caught. Her hand shooting up to grab Sukuna's as she leaned into him, "yūji? He's there, right? What is he doing? What are you doing to him? Can he come out?"

Sukuna merely smirked, his face leaning in. His lips brushing against her own. She didn't back away though. She wanted to see Yūji, so she would happily play along. Her eyes hopeful.

"I'll tell you, hell, even let you see him, but ... only if you kill him over there."

He jabbed his thumb over to Nanami Kento. The man who was finally regaining conscious after being knocked backwards into the wall.

"That's ..."

Sukuna tilted his head to the side. His amusement obvious for the world to see.

"That's all I have to do?"

"Of course, I promise."


"It's nothing personal, ok?"

She didn't wait for an answer. Her ability forcefully changing his soul. Creating something disgusting. A rotten personality. A terrible character. She wanted him to die.

And he did. His hands reaching up to his throat. Death by strangulation was slow. Painful. Air refusing to enter the lungs. She wanted to give him a different death, but she wanted to get Sukuna into an even better mood.

She just wanted to see Yūji.

And as she watched Nanami die. The life leaving his eyes, she turned back towards to Sukuna only to have him standing right in front of her.

"Did I do good?"

"You did," a bemused expression etching his features. Her eyes hopeful.

"Then ... then can I see Yūji now?"

She sounded like a child begging for something that she so desperately desired. Sukuna could only smirk at her. His hand reaching up to cup her cheeks.

"I lied."

She clenched her teeth before opening her mouth. Her hands reaching to grip at his forearms, "b—but you promised! Sukuna, please! Please let me see him!"

He couldn't help but to laugh. His fingers pushing against her skin. The discoloration once again there.


So fragile to the touch.

His tool wasn't broken in yet.

"I can't give you someone when you destroyed their soul."

"Wha—what are you talking about?!"

"Y/n ... don't you know," sadistic tones intertwined into his voice, "you destroyed his soul."


"Hey, Fushiguro! We can handle things here! Why don't you go help one of your classmates!"


Fushiguro found himself running. He wanted to go to y/n first, but Kugisaki's designated spot was closer, so he begrudgingly went there first, but his footsteps slowed to a sudden stop.

His eyes wide as he finally made it to where Kugisaki was supposed to be.


His blood ran cold. Goosebumps littering across his skin.

Mahito had his hands wrapped around both of her arms. Her face contorted in pain. Another human was their. A male around Fushiguro's own age. He was smirking. Fushiguro hated that.


His voice loud. Echoing.

Mahito turned to smirk, his gaze filled with excitement, "come along Junpei. We're done here. This one isn't on our hit list."


The two quick to escape as Fushiguro ran. Kugisaki beginning to fall to the ground. Fushiguro just barely catching her as his knees hit the ground.

"H—hey, don't close your eyes on me, come on Kugisaki. Didnt you say that no curse could kill you?"

"Y-y-yeah. No curse can kill me. You're totally right," she coughed. Blood sputtering pit of her mouth. Dark circles forming underneath her eyes as she gripped onto her classmate.

"W-where's y/n and Itadori? We- we still haven't tried out that one restaurant ... y/n said she liked that type of food, right?"

Fushiguro clenched his teeth. Kugidaki was referring to a memory that had occurred jsut before they went to that detention a few weeks ago. Damn, this can't be happening. Why was time so cruel?

"Th-they're coming right now. They probably are arguing over what they should get first. So, you should stay awake. Wait for them."

"That's ... good ... they should know i hate waiting ... by now ..."

"Yeah, they sure are being slow."

All Fushiguro could do was hold her. Entertain her dying thoughts and hallucinations.

"You know, Fushiguro?"


"I always ...."

She reached out towards nothing. Her eyes playing tricks on her. Her mind showing her an imagine of y/n giving her a genuine smile.

"I always wanted y/n to share her true feelings. To stop leaning on Itadori. To ... to give me a genuine smile. Heh, maybe she, could finally give me a true smile and speak from her heart ... when we ... take her to that ... restaurant. Don't you think, Fushiguro?"

"Sounds good to me. You know, I was just thinking that maybe y/n, and all of us could—"

He couldn't finish his sentence as Kugisaki's arm dropped. Her eyes shut tight. Her body hanging uselessly in his arms.

She died in his arms, but had a peaceful smile on her face. An image y/n holding out her arms wanting to be true friends with her. A y/n that actually cared.



So .

y/n killed Nanami, or ... more as she had him kill himself by changing his soul.

sukuna then reveals that y/n killed Itadori's soul which allowed Sukuna to take control.

(( this is why her parents wanted gojo to be sukuna's vessel, so that y/n could destroy gojo's soul for sukuna to take full control without any problems ))

then mahito and junpei kill kugisaki, with y/n never once meeting junpei so she couldn't change his soul back to it's original mindset.

let's party .

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