Chapter 16: Space (part1)

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Because I love you guys, here's another chapter!!!

Ashley POV

I put my phone away as we boarded the plane, Ashton and I sat together and Claim and Sarah sat on the other side of the walkway. When we took off Ashton and I spent some time talking one on one to each other, not caring who heard.

"Hey babe? Can I ask you something please?" Ashton a sympathetic look on his face, it kind of worried me.
"Sure what is it Ash?"
"Promise me that after I say this you won't leave me or go home, you can be pissed and all just don't leave"
"I would never leave you"
"I have lying to you lately, about the whole not knowing where Michael and Luke are. Cause I do, and I've known since after I nearly beat Michael to death after what he did to you"
"What!? You --you knew? Where are they?"

I was so heart shattered, I can't believe this.

"They're in LA, their apart of the band. Luke is lead vocals and guitarist, and Michael is vocals and also guitarist."
"And you didn't tell me the love of my life was fine and not dead?"
"It wasn't my idea, I wanted to tell you but Luke said it was for the best that I didn't tell you. I didn't plan on falling in love with you Ashley, but after spending so much time with you I started gaining feelings toward you and realized why Luke did this and didn't want you hurt."

I sat there in silence as plane took off.

"I'm so sorry Ashley, I really am I ju-"
"No Ashton, I need time to think about this and until we get to LA, don't talk to me. I'm sorry but I need to think about this."
"But Ashley please hear me out"
"Ashton, no if you can't handle not talking to me for 42 hours then I will exchange seats with a fatass and make sure you are miserable."
"Fine, ily Ashley always have always will"

I laid my head against the glass and looked out at all the white clouds. Thinking.

When we had reached our first stop about 12 hours after we left Sydney, which was in Birmingham, Alabama.

We had to collect our things and go through the whole airport process again.

I decided to let Sarah and Calum sit together again so I had to sit with Ashton once again.

I was kinda pissed off at Ashton, I mean how could he not tell me the love of my life wasn't dead and was apart of his band.

I don't know if I'll be able to look at Michael or even Luke without crying or punching someone. I wanted to go home and I'm getting on a plane back home at our next stop.

Ashton POV

I knew I shouldn't have told her but if I wouldn't have she would have been even more pissed when she saw him.

I feel like such an idiot, I shouldn't have went through with Lukes stupid idea. I'm glad I got to know her that month but I didn't mean to fall in love with her. If I would have fell in love with her, she wouldn't even be going on this stupid trip to LA with us. I would have brought my brother Harry or someone I don't know.

Damnmit. Why do I have to be such a fuck up?

She sat next to me still ignoring me, looking out the window. Shes so georgous, I don't know what I will do without her.

When she finally stopped looking out the window, she turned facing the front and looked at me. She had tear stains down her cheek, she said no words and continued crying.

I took her into my arms and hugged her as tight as I could. My shirt started becoming wet from all the tears. She had literally cried herself to sleep on my chest. I sat there staring into space thinking.

Ashley POV

When I stopped looking out the window, I looked at Ashton with tears in my eyes and fell into his chest.

I don't know exactly why I went to him for comfort but he was the only one I had that cared besides Sarah, Jess and Calum.

Ashton pulled me closer to him as I continued to cry. He rubbed my back and played with my hair, moments later I fell asleep laying Ashton and I felt like home, I felt safe.

I woke up laying my head on Ashton and when I opened my eyes all the memories of last night came rushing back.

I sat up to find Ashton catching my gaze. He looked like he was up all night crying himself to death.

I didn't say anything cause I still wasn't talking to him.

We sat there staring into each others eyes, Ashton had his hands cupped around my cheeks and I felt the tears fall from my eyes. When a tear fell, Ashton soon whipped it away and pulled me close and interlocked our lips.

I still get the firework like feeling between us and the best/worst part was I never got this feeling kissing Luke. It was unbelieveable....

"Good morning baby"
"Good morning Ashton"
"Are you still mad?"
"Kind of"
"What can I do? I'll do anything for you to forgive my stupid dickish mistake."
"Well I don't know I can't actually take you to spa--"
"No you idiot, I need time to think and a little space would help."
"Are you basically breaking up with me?"
"No no no, I'm not breaking up with you. I just need time to think so when we exchange planes again I'm sitting in a different seat."

I looked down at my feet and hoped he understands.

"Okay, I handle that, I understand. You need time to think and I'm gonna give you some space. I love you Ashley"
"I love you to Ashton"

I don't think he understood, he thinks I'm going to be on the same plane. I'm getting on a plane back to Sydney, no exceptions.

Once we made it to Texas and through the process once again, Ashton was about to go up and get our tickets but I insisted.

"How may I help you young lady?"
"Yes, can I get 3 tickets to LA, and 1 ticket for Sydney Australia?"
"I'm guessing you changed you mind on going to LA with them"
"Yeah, to much to handle and I've got a family problem back at home and stuff"
"Here you go ma'am, your plane is to the right, you leave 10 minutes before them"
"Thank you"

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