Chapter 21: Bad News

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Hey guys so I'm basically gonna be winging it these next 3 chapters cause you know I've ran out of ideas and I'm sorry. Read end A/N for more!!

Do I Say Goodbye?

*6weeks *

Ashley POV

What's wrong with me? I need to get myself out of this like NOW!! Wait!? I can't he did all of this for me I can't just break his heart, he works with my brother and I would have to see him again. FUCK!!

"Hey Ash, what you thinking about? You've been out for at least 20 minutes" "what? Oh sorry I'm just figuring things out up here" "oh its cool, its just I need to talk to you" "yeah sure what it is Mikey" "okay so one hundred percent honesty?" "Yeah what is it?" "Do you truly want to get married?" "What do you mean? Of course I do" "no you don't" "yes. I do" "Ashley I'm not stupid, I can tell when your lying and when you start to regret things" "please don't tell Ashton!! I don't want to hurt him" "you can't just hide it forever" "yeah I can try" "what changed your mind anyway?" "I just don't feel like in ready" "I understand but it seems there's something else on your mind" "fine I've been hiding it but I don't want to get married to Ashton cause I'm pregnant with YOUR baby" "WHAT?! HOW?!" "Dude shut up" "how did that even happen" "remember back when we all went to a bar to celebrate me waking up and me and Ashton getting married?" "Yeah I think so" "well I wasn't that drunk but you on the other hand was wasted and shit." "Sooo...." "Michaels we had drunken sex" "that's impossible! No way I would never do that to my bestfriend not to his soon to be" "well you did and when I went to the doctor last week they said I was pregnant" "are you sure you and Ashton didn't do anything?" "No not since before I was shot" "I can't believe it" "I'm sorry Mikey, I should have stopped us" "its not your fault Ashley" "I don't know how to tell him" "don't say it sing it" "what song am I gonna sing? I can't just write a song like that" "how about? Little do you know ?" "Yeah that will work we need to tell Calum and Luke " "Yeah I guess" "can you go get them?" "Yeah be right back"

Michael left Ashley alone in the living room as he walked upstairs to the gaming room. Which was full of either video games or some type of pool/air hockey table.

"What do you guys need to tell us?" "Remember when we went to that bar a few weeks back?" "Yeah?" "And we all pretty much got drunk off our asses?" "Yeah get to the point" "I'm pregnant....with Michaels baby"

Okay guys sorry I know this is short but it will have to do for now. Its just I'm running out of ideas so I'm basically winging it until 25 chapters which isn't far. I'm sorry but I am also writing 4 surprise books for you guys!! Can't wait till I finish and publish them. You guys are really amaimzing iloveyouguys

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