Chapter 17: Space (part2)

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Ashley POV

I gave the others there tickets and we walked to Starbucks and got something since it was nearly 4am here.

"Hey Ashley wanna go with me to the bathroom please"

Sarah and I got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Why does your ticket say Sydney, Australia?"
"I'm going home Sarah"
"What!? Why?"
"I'll explain it later, but here is a ticket Jess gave me just in case. I forgot about it so put it in your bag and when or if you wanna come home."
"Tell me why your going home, is because Ashton was lying to you about Luke?"
"You knew!? What the hell Sarah?"
"I was told the other night before we left"
"Okay, look don't tell Ashton or Calum"
"But you leave 10 minutes before we do. How are you gonna pull that off?"
"I'm gonna tell them I need to use the restroom and get on my plane"
"Okay, well text me once your on you plane"
"I love you Sarah"
"I love you to Ash"

Sarah and I shared a hug, and walked back to the table. We ended up sitting in silence till 10 minutes till I had to leave.

"Hey guys let's go wait, in the plane waiting area."
"Okay yeah that's probably a good idea"

10 minutes later I heard someone say "All Sydney flights are boarding at this time"

I stood up and told the guys I had to us the restroom.

Sarah looked at me with sad eyes and nodded.

"Hurry back we leave soon"

I turned and walked towards the Sydney line.

"Ticket please"
"Thank you, go in this door and straight ahead, you're in seat 46."
"Thank you"

I boarded the plane and found my seat.

Once we were about to take off, I looked toward the airport window and saw Sarah. She looked sad, but still had a smile on her face. She waved goodbye, dropped her head and walked off.

Ashton POV

"Its been 10 minutes guys, where the hell is she?"
"She's gone guys"

Sarah had tears going down her cheek.

"She got on a plane back to Sydney"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, she told me not to tell you"
"Fuck. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have kept that damn secret"
"Ashton don't worry about it, we have to leave"
"Fine let's go"

I can't believe she gone. She's going home and its all my fault. I shouldn't have told her, I should have waited till we got to LA and let Luke explain. I'm such an asshole.

Calum POV

"Why did she go home?"
"She didn't want to see Luke or Michael again & Ashton lied to her. I mean I would have done the same thing if I was her."
"Yeah I guess but Ashton's going to be miserable without her here"
"Well he should have told her when it all started instead of lying to her. That's my best friend and I don't want her hurt and at this point its to late"
"Look I'm sorry but I don't know what to do. It isn't my problem, let them work it out"

I grabbed Sarahs hand and looked at her.

"When we get to LA I promise you, it will be a trip you won't forget. We will get to do so much and see so many different things together. You don't need to worry about Ashley."

She laid her head on my shoulder and snoozed off. She's so beautiful I just want her to be mine forever.

Luke POV

"Ashton just texted me and said Ashley went home."
"What!? Why!?"
"Didn't say"

I turned around and punched the wall closest to me. I have been doing this a lot lately. Michael said I have anger issues, from being away from Ashley an all, but it was truely for the best. He never believede when I told him leaving would help me get over Ashley. To be honest it really didn't, I know she had really forgotten me. She gave up after a while and instantly fell for Ashton, I knew it would happen sooner or later.

"You alright mate?"
"I'm fine"
"No your not Luke I know you"
"No I'm serious, I'm fine I'm use to it"
"Use to what?"
"People forgetting about me and never wanting to see me again"

I got a picture message from Michael not long after. **picture is at beginning of chapter**

I looked down and went and sat on the floor in front of the couch, with my knees to my chest and my head in my arms.

Michael wouldn't be home for a dew hours so I walked to the bathroom and took the bandannas off my wrist and looked at them.
Do it Luke, Ashley wouldn't care she forgot you
You're just another nasty bitch ass man whore
No one loves you enough to care for you

My thoughts were getting to me again...I'm 40 days clean. I can do this...
No you can't
You're worthless
You want to do it
You miss someone who never cared
Do it
Do it
Do it

No no no no stop

I held back the tears in my eyes. Looked over at the razor blade laying on the tub from wear Michael had replaced the razors for new ones. Looked back in the mirror and a tear fell.

Ashley POV

I was almost home when I got a text from Calum.

"You need to come to LA somethings going on with Luke"
"I don't want to see him"
"Well if you don't want to see him in the hospital or more like his death bed then you will be there"

Wait!? What!?

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