Platonic Yandere

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You were sitting in Steven's chair working on a drawing when you heard the door open.
You looked up to see Jake entering with his hands covered in blood.

"Papa?" You questioned as he took his hat off and smiled.

"Mi precioso hija." He whispered as you returned his smile.
He grabbed a dish cloth and walked over to where you were begining to wipe away the blood.

"Daddy said you can't use the dish cloths for blood." You said making him chuckle softly.

"He isn't here bebe and I know you won't tell him." He said making you smile.

"I won't." You replied before he leant down and kissed your forehead.

"I'm going to go wash up, you stay here." He said before you nodded and went back to drawing.
You continued until Jake came back in his pjs, not a spot of blood on him.

"What would you like for dinner, mi amor?" Jake asked running his hand through your hair while you drew.

"Pizza?" You asked making him chuckle.

"I think you've earnt it. I'll order some." He said as you nodded and smiled.

"What do you say?" He said tilting your head up.

"Gracias papá." You replied making him smile again.

"Good girl. Go take a shower while I order." He instructed as you nodded and got up to go get your clothes ready for the shower.


You had finished and you came out to see one of them sitting watching TV. You knew it was either Marc or Jake because they had a drink in their hand.

" Hey, sweetheart." You heard them say recognising it was Marc.
You ran up and jumped up on him hugging him tightly as he chuckled.

"I missed you, darling." He said making you laugh a little.

"I missed you all too." You said pulling back and looking at him.

"Do you have to work tomorrow too?" You asked grabbing his hand and playing with it in your smaller hands.

"No, sweetie. We'll be home for three days now baby." He said making your eyes light up.

"Really!? Can we go out?" You asked as he sighed softly.

"Sweetheart, you know you're not allowed to go out. It's too dangerous." He said as you pouted and looked away from him.

"But people even younger than me go out. It's not fair." You muttered as Marc reached up to brush your hair behind your ear.

"I know, baby. But you're different, we have to keep you safe." He said as you grumbled and stood up before you ran to your bed and covered yourself.
If you had your own room you would've slammed the door.
But this had a similar affect.
Marc sighed and put his drink down and went over to you and sat on the side of the bed.

"Baby, what have we said? If you're angry you need to communicate that to us and we can understand better." He said playing his hand on your shoulder under the blankets.

"I really want to be normal." You whispered as Marc sighed.
He walked over to the otherside and crawled under the blankets so he could see you. He laid on his side and watched your face.

"I know it's hard, baby." Marc whispered as you looked at him.

"I just don't understand. Is someone trying to hurt me?" You whispered as he smiled sadly.

"Well, when we met you and you came here with us the people they had you before that didn't want to let you go. People still know that you're missing and if they were to find you, you'd be taken away from us. Do you want to be taken away?" Marc asked as you shook your head, he could see you were holding back sobs.

"No...I don't want to go." You whispered as a fear tears escaped.
Marc opened his arms and you shuffled into his arms and cried while he held you.

"I've got you, sweetheart. You're safe baby." Marc whispered holding you tightly in his arms.

"Love you." You muttered making Marc smile.

"I love you too, baby."

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