Punishment (reader insert)

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Warnings: Dark themes, kidnapping, abuse
You hated every second of your life here, you hated him, you hated all of them. You were locked inside your 'room' more like a cell. The window boarded up and the door locked from the outside.
You hugged your knees to your chest when you heard the door open and looked up to see Steven entering with some breakfast.

"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" Steven asked as you glared at him and looked away from him.

"I didn't fucking sleep." You growled as his face fell.

"Well, if you have some breakfast maybe afterwards you'll feel like sleeping." Steven said as you stood up and shoved him away making him drop all of the food on the ground.

"I don't want any fucking breakfast! I want to get away from you!" You screamed as him as his eyes rolled back and his face hardened.
You knew it was Marc.

"I'm not apologising." You growled as he looked at you with a stone cold face. He stepped forward and shoved you down onto the bed.

"All we've done is protect you, love you and give you a home and this is how you treat us?" He growled lowly as you glared up at him.

"You fucking kidnapped me!" You screamed before he slapped you across the face.

"I wont be spoken to like that. And because you were such a brat you don't get breakfast. Now apologise." Marc growled grabbing your hair and making you look up at him.

"I'm sorry you're such a cunt." You growled before he shoved you back down on the bed.
He didn't say another word, he just left and locked the door behind him.
You sat back in the same position and tried to not cry.

It had been three days and you hadn't seen Marc or anyone, you felt like you were going insane.
All you had eaten was an old croissant from the floor, you hadn't even had water.
You felt so sick and so hungry, you were sure you looked like a monster, undernourished skin, dark under eyes and your hair matted.
You had barely slept either, you just wanted to see them again and that's exactly what he wanted.
You heard a slight noise and your head shot up. You looked up to see Marc, you went to stand up but collapsed to your knees crying out.
He was about to say something but Steven couldn't keep himself at bay any longer, he took control and leapt forward kneeling down to you.

"Love, oh sweetheart it's okay." He whispered wrapping his arms around you as you quietly cried.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I disobeyed." You cried out as he held you close. Suddenly his grip became rougher and his hand went to your hair and pulled you away to look at him and you saw Marc.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" He asked as you weakly nodded your head and he smiled with satisfaction.

"I don't like going to such extreme measure but you left me no choice. Let's get you some food and water."

After Marc and Steven had nursed you back to health they were sure they had broken you now. Maybe they did, you still hated them but the thought of being locked away with not contact, food or water made you want to obey them.
You sat on the couch watching the tv as a storm roared outside. You face void of emotions. Steven came over to you and offered you some dinner, you didn't move.

"Not hungry." You muttered as he placed the dish down and sat beside you.

"You need to eat sweetie." Steven said brushing a piece of hair away from your face. You flinched away from him and he looked at you sadly.

"As long as you keep me here I'm not going to eat." You muttered, it was an odd notion, but it was all you could think of.

"Love, please don't do that. It doesn't have to be so bad." Steven whispered as you hid your face and began to cry.

"You hurt me." You whispered knowing it would break Steven's fragile heart.
There was a moment of silence before you felt a hand go through your hair.

"Ah mi amor, such a strong willed little girl aren't you?" A voice came through as you froze, you knew who that was.

"You can't make me eat." You muttered as he smiled and continued brushing his hand through your hair.

"I know I can't cariño. But I can punish you in my own ways, punish you until your sweet little mind breaks." He whispered as you turned your head to look at him.

"You had a rough start to life didn't you? Your father wasn't always the nicest man, I know that. I also know that when things get too much your precious mind reverts. I wonder if I could force it to do so." He said tilting his head as you looked at him in fear.

"You're a monster." You whispered making him chuckle.

"Are you going to eat?" He asked as you looked at the food and nodded.
He smiled again and handed the bowl to you.

"There we go cariño that wasn't so hard was it?"

It had been a month now, you'd tried so many different things to escape but you were too afraid to try anymore. What they had put you through was worse than anything you'd ever faced, even worse than your father.
But you knew your mind was breaking, you barely even thought about escaping, whenever they were gone you missed them and disobeying was far from your mind.
Marc woke up one night hearing screams coming from your room, he expected the worse and thought someone was trying to take you. When he ran in with a gun he saw you gripping the sheets screaming and crying.
He hid the gun in his pants and knelt beside your bed gently shaking your shoulder.

"Y/N, wake up honey." He said as you screamed and shot up in bed, you looked around and began to sob.

"Shh sweetheart, I'm here." Marc whispered as you looked beside at him, he sat on the side of your bed and you jumped up to hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as he wrapped his arms securely around you.

"Shh baby, you're safe." He whispered in return as you cried.

"Please don't go, please." You sobbed out as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling he got from hearing those words.
You were so weak and broken, but he loved it. He loved that your mind knew they were all you ever needed.

"We've got you baby."

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