Domestic / Jake

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You groaned as you woke up from your slumber.
You'd been sick for nearly a week now and you were tired of it.

"Jake!" You called out as you saw Jake come in from around the corner.

"Good morning, mi amor." He said as you coughed a little and slowly sat up.

"Jake, I'm dying." You whined out as he chuckled and sat beside you on the bed.

"I know, baby. I hate seeing you sick." He said running his hand over your cheek.

"What if I set up a nice bath for you?" He suggested as you nodded.

"Yes, please." You said making him smile as he kissed your forehead.
You slowly got up and went to the kitchen for water while Jake prepared a bath.
Once he was done he lead you to the bathroom where you stripped off your sweaty clothes.
You held o to Jake's hand while you stepped into the tub and slowly sank into the water.

"That's it, Dove. Just relax." Jake said as he sat on a stool beside the bath.
He grabbed a cloth and began running it over your body as you chuckled softly.

"I can wash myself." You said before he shushed you.

"I don't care if you can, love. You're sick and need me to take care of you." He replied making you smile, you knew how much they loved to take care of you and you weren't exactly going to fight them on it.
Jake sat beside the tub and began to wash you hair as you body relaxed.
Feeling Jake's gentle touches on your head made you want to fall asleep.
It was hard to think that a man as ruthless as Jake could be so gentle with you, like he was handling a porcelain doll.
He brushed conditioner through your hair as you heard him hum softly.
You loved soft moments like these, you both had never experienced a soft domestic life and now that you could, you never wanted it to end.

Once Jake had finished he wrapped you up in a towel and helped you get dressed again before tucking you back into bed.

"Please cuddle me." You whined out making Jake chuckle.
He climbed into bed and wrapped you up in his arms.

"Rest, mi amor. Your poor body needs it." He whispered as you relaxed.

"Love you." You muttered sleepily making Jake smile.

"Yo también te quiero. "

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