Moon knight x reader (yandere)

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(Warnings: Forced age regression, kidnapping, abuse, manipulation)
Marc knew everything there was to know about you, it had taken a year of stalking and watching to know exactly who you were.
Now he finally had you for himself, he had waited so long and now he had you. It wasn't just him that was thrilled, it was Jake and Steven too.
Ever since they had laid eyes on you they knew you had to be theirs. You were destined to be theirs.
You sat in your 'room' sobbing, they knew this would happen, they knew you would be afraid of them in the beginning.
Marc entered your room and looked at you sobbing with your knees hugged to your chest.

"Sweetheart?" He called out as you gasped and looked up at him in fear.

"G-Get away from me." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.

"It's okay angel, I know you're afraid but you don't need to be. We're going to take care of you." He said coming closer to you as you covered your ears, closed your eyes and shook your head.

"No, no get away." You whispered as he sat on the side of the bed.

"Hey it's okay, I know you're afraid. Would you like something to eat? I've got pop tarts and candy because you've been so good." He said as his hand ran through your hair.

"I don't want anything from you." You growled as he sighed.

"But you've been really good sweetheart, don't you want a reward?" He suggested as you looked up at him.
Marc knew everything about your past and he also knew your every trigger and how compliant and loving you would be if he could get you to regress for him.

"I want to go home. I don't want any rewards, I want to go home." You whispered with tears in your eyes.

"Darling, you are home. You're being silly." He said as you shook your head.

"This isn't my home, you're a fucking monster." You growled as he looked at you in anger.

"That's not the kind of language you should be using young lady." He said as you glared at him and shoved him away from you.
You went to run out the door but he quickly grabbed you.

"Now mi amor, I don't think that's the best option. Here Marc was offering you treats and rewards and you do this? That's not what good girls do is it?" You heard Jake's voice as you closed your eyes and tried to wriggle out of his grip.

"I don't want to be here! Let me go!" You screamed out as he threw you back onto the bed, he leapt on top of you and pinned down your arms as you cried out.

"You're disappointing me, you're disappointing all of us. Is that why none of your family stayed around Y/N? Is that why they all left you? Because you can't obey, even after all the beatings they gave you, you still couldn't obey could you?" He said as you cried and squirmed in his grip.

"Stop, please I'm sorry." You whispered, he could feel you were getting weaker.

"Well, precious? Is that why they left? Because you're a disappointment, you're a disobedient girl that never learns. That's why they all left. And here we are offering you so many things and you're still disobeying!" He shouted in your face as you stopped struggling and cried softly.

"Stop." You whispered as he tested the waters a little and loosened his grip seeing if you would escape, but you didn't.

"I'm sorry." You cried out as he leant down and kissed your forehead.

"Shh sweetheart it's okay." He whispered but his accent changed and you knew it was Marc now.

"M-My wrists." You whispered as Marc quickly let go of them seeing red hand marks on them from Jake.
Marc got off you and helped you sit up.

"Oh sweetheart shh it's okay. He didn't mean to hurt you." Marc whispered bringing your wrist up to his lips and softly kissing it as you sniffled.
He knew it had worked, you weren't even thinking about escaping or fighting against him. You were compliant.

"Let me kiss them better." He whispered kissing your other wrist.

"I'm hungry." You whispered as he looked at your face and gently reached up to wipe away your tears.

"Yeah sweetie? What do you feel like baby? You can have anything you want." Marc said sweetly as you wiped your nose and looked at him, he could see how vulnerable you were and god he loved it.
He wanted you to always rely on him like this.

"D-Do you have any soup?" You whispered softly as he smiled and kissed your forehead.

"We do sweetheart, how about I let Steven out and he makes you some soup? Would you like that baby?" He asked brushing your hair away from your face as you nodded.

"Y-Yes please." You replied as he smiled, you watched his face slowly change.

"Come on love, let's go get you some soup." Steven said holding his hand out to you as you slowly took it and let him lead you out of the room.
You went out to the kitchen area and he told you to sit down at the dining table.

"Do you want some chicken soup love? I even have some juice boxes if you would like." Steven said as you looked up at him and nodded.

"Yes please." You replied making him smile, he brought over a juice box and gave it to you.

"Here love, you can have this while I make the soup. You're being so good for us love." He whispered kissing the side of your head before going back to the kitchen.
You sat silently and drank the juice Steven had given you.
He returned with two bowls of soup and placed one in front of you and then sat across from you.

"Why did you take me?" You whispered looking down at the spoon and playing with the spoon in it.
Steven seemed to freeze, he didn't know how to answer that.
When you didn't get a reply you looked up and saw Marc was in control.

"We didn't take you sweetheart, we just brought you home. So you can have a good life and so much affection, and we can protect you better when you're here with us." He said as you looked back down at your soup.

"I don't understand." You muttered as he stood up and knelt beside where you were sitting.

"I know baby, it's a lot to take in. But hey, you don't need to worry about any of it. Your precious little mind doesn't need to worry about anything ever again. You're so perfect and I know you're going to be very good for us, it may take some learning but I know we'll get there eventually. Won't we sweetheart?" Marc said brushing his hand through your hair once more.

"Y-Yeah." You replied making him smile and stand up to kiss your head.

"Now finish your soup sweetheart, if you finish it we can watch a movie okay?" He said as you nodded and watched him sit back down.


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